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Restren wreydhek (Restren SVG, 103 × 94 piksel yn hanow, myns an restren: 162 KB)

Yma an restren ma dhe Wikimedia Commons ha ragdresow erel a allsa bos orth hy devnydhya. Diskwedhys a-woles yma an deskrifans war hy folen dheskrifans ena.


Deskrifans New Wikipedia’s logo. See also File:Wikipedia wordmark.svg for the wordmark, and File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-wordmark.svg for the logo+wordmark.
Pennfenten File:Wikipedia-logo.svg as of 14 Me 2010T23:16:42
Awtour Version 1 by Nohat (concept by Paullusmagnus); Wikimedia.
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This logo was created with Inkscape.


w:en:Creative Commons
askrifans ranna kehaval
Yma an restren ma yn-dann an leshyans Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
Yma'n gwir dhywgh:
  • a ranna – a dhasskrifa, lesranna ha treuskorra an ober
  • a gemyska – a aswiwa an ober
Yn-dann an ragselyow a syw:
  • askrifans – Res yw dhywgh ri askrifans gwiw, provia kevren dhe'n lecyans, ha meneges mar peu chanjyow gwrys. Hwi a yll gul hemma yn fordh resonus a vynnowgh, mes ny yllir y wul yn fordh a broffo synser an lecyans dh'agas skoodhya po agas devnydh.
  • ranna kehaval – Mar kwrewgh hwi chanjya, treusfurvya po drehevel war an ober ma, res yw dhywgh lesranna agas kevrohow yn-dann an keth lecyans hag an derowel, po lecyans kesplegadow.
™ Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
This file is (or includes) one or more of the official logos or designs used by the Wikimedia Foundation or by one of its projects. Use of the Wikimedia logos and trademarks is subject to the Wikimedia trademark policy and visual identity guidelines, and may require permission.

This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing. 


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depicts Sowsnek

globe Sowsnek

jigsaw puzzle Sowsnek

ר Sowsnek

И Sowsnek

copyrighted Sowsnek

Istori an restren

Klyckyewgh war dhedhyans/eur rag gweles an folen dell o an termyn na.

a-lemmyn15:10, 2 Gortheren 2010Skeusennik an versyon a-dhia 15:10, 2 Gortheren 2010103 × 94 (162 KB)FleshgrinderOptimized code; Valid SVG; Works fine in all browsers and editors; Created with Adobe Illustrator and manual code tweaking;
23:28, 15 Metheven 2010Skeusennik an versyon a-dhia 23:28, 15 Metheven 2010103 × 94 (250 KB)Vanished user 24kwjf10h32hupdate
23:16, 14 Me 2010Skeusennik an versyon a-dhia 23:16, 14 Me 201096 × 87 (345 KB)Vanished user 24kwjf10h32h{{Information |Description={{en|1=New Wikipedia's logo.}} |Source=[http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/b/b7/20100514183445%21Wikipedia-logo.svg] |Author=Wikimedia. |Date=2010-05-12 |Permission= |other_versions= }} [[Category:Wikipedia l

Yma an 2 folen a syw owth usya an restren ma:

Devnydh ollvysel an restren
