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Back When I Knew It All

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

Back When I Knew It All
몽고메리 젠트리정규 음반
출시2008년 6월 10일
레이블Columbia Nashville
몽고메리 젠트리 연표
Some People Change
Back When I Knew It All
Rebels on the Run

Back When I Knew It All몽고메리 젠트리의 여섯번째 스튜디오 음반이다. 컬럼비아 내슈빌을 통해 2008년 발매되었다.


  1. "The Big Revival" (Dennis Linde) – 4:02
  2. "Long Line of Losers" (Kevin Fowler, Kim Tribble) – 3:48
  3. "Now You're Talkin'" (Ira Dean, David Lee Murphy, Tribble) – 3:24
  4. "Back When I Knew It All" (Gary Hannan, Phil O'Donnell, Trent Willmon) – 3:59
  5. "Roll with Me" (Clint Daniels, Tommy Karlas) – 3:53
  6. "One in Every Crowd" (Dean, Tribble, Eddie Montgomery) – 3:31
  7. "Look Some More" (Tony Martin, Wendell Mobley, Neil Thrasher) – 2:58
  8. "I Pick My Parties" (Terri Clark, Murphy, Tom Shapiro) – 3:22
  9. "One Trip" (Brett James, Angelo Petraglia) – 4:01
  10. "It Ain't About Easy" (Mike Lane, Tony Lane, David Lee) – 3:00
  11. "God Knows Who I Am" (Hannan, O'Donnell, Montgomery) – 3:15