아이디: lizmya
관심분야: 만화, 연예, 언어학, 심리학, 영한/한영 번역, .... to be added.
만든 문서: 신우, CNU, Two Outs in the Ninth Inning, 스타트피페, 해저생산설비, 경험 기반 학습, 광구권, 지대 추구, 정부직접투자지분, 암염 하층, Perceived Control, National Petroleum Council, 국가석유위원회, 유럽연합 배출권거래제, 놀래기속, 상사성, 상사성
추후 만들(고 싶지만 변덕이 생겨서 만들지 안 만들지 모를) 문서: digital cartography, stock capital, comprehensive study, floating production storage and offloading, tension leg platform, CENPES, 희석, 희석 배수, 희석 배율, spilt incentive, stranded asset / 좌초 자산, predictive maintenance, fuel economy 연비, bioenergy, emission intensity 배출원단위, Nord Stream, Dung Quat Refinery, rice hull/husk, badgasse, National Council for Nuclear Energy Development and Application, 종자은행, Contrastive analysis, speech production, the Painted Desert, markedness, Uluwatu Cliff, sarawak chamber, dysbacteriosis/dysbiosis, Gastrointestinal pathology, prebiotics, Regulation_(European_Union), health claims(건강강조표시), lyophilization(동결건조 방식), cryoprotectant, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propidium_iodide dysregulation, 문두루쿠족, 피라항족(피다한족), boostrapping (linguistics). equinumerous. cardinal / successor principles, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filler_text