Kiyoshi MIYATA's website

Welcome to my website! I present my recent research activities, etc.

Kiyoshi MIYATA
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I'm interested in the electronic properties of organic and hybrid semiconductors. Now I'm trying to shed light on them by means of ultrafast spectroscopy.
Contact: kmiyata[at]
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Sep. 9-11, 2020
I will be attending online �����w���_��.


Jul. 27, 2020
Our paper entitled "Dual Energy Transfer Pathways from an Antenna Ligand to Lanthanide Ion in Trivalent Europium Complexes with Phosphine-Oxide Bridges" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. (visit papers).

Jul. 4, 2020
My presentation in �g���h�@�����IQ�R���L�E�� (in Japanese) has been opened in Chem-Station YouTube channel.

Feb. 28, 2020
Our paper entitled "Liquid-like dielectric response is an origin of long polaron lifetime exceeding 10 �� s in lead bromide perovskites" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. (visit papers).

Feb. 12-15, 2020
I attended The 11th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Shanghai to give an invited presentation on ultrafast structural dynamics in functional organic materials.

Sep. 18-21, 2019
I attended JSAP meeting in Sapporo to give an invited presentation on ultrafast structural dynamics in functional organic materials.

Aug. 27, 2019
Our paper entitled "Selective Reduction Mechanism of Graphene Oxide Driven by the Photon Mode versus the Thermal Mode" has been published in ACS Nano (visit papers).

July 25-26, 2019
I joined in CEMS topical meeting at RIKEN to give an invited presentation about ultrafast structural dynamics in TADF materials.

July 14, 2019
I attended Kujuu Molecular Science Seminar to give an invited presentation of ultrafast structural dynamics.

June 15, 2019
I gave an invited lecture on ultrafast structural dynamics in functional materials at SNCPP19 at BKC, Kusatsu.

June 8-12, 2019
I attended to the Ultrafast Surface Dynamics 11 held in China and gave a talk about polarons in lead halide perovskites.

Apr. 11, 2019
Our paper entitled "Suppression of Structural Change upon S1?T1 Conversion Assists the Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Process in Carbazole-Benzonitrile Derivatives" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (visit papers).

Mar. 15, 2019
I gave a poster persentation at APS meeting on structural dynamics in TADF materials.

Feb. 5, 2019
Our review on triplet pair states in singlet fission has been published in Chemical Reviews (visit papers).

Nov. 21-29, 2018
I visited St. Andrews University in UK with a student in Onda Lab. We conceived some ultrafast spectroscopy on functional organic materials for thermally activated delayed fluorescence.

Sep. 19, 2018
I was invited to JSAP Fall Meeting 2018 and gave an invited talk about perovskite physics from a viewpoint of polaron.

Apr. 23, 2018
Our short commentary on the unique polaron physics of lead halide perovskites was published in Nature Materials (visit papers).

Feb. 16, 2018
I have moved to Kyushu University in Japan as an assistant professor at Onda Lab. Very excited with the new labs and environments!

Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2017
I joined in MRS Fall Meeting 2017 and gave an invited talk with a title of "Crystalline Liquid Duality and Large Polaron Formation in Lead Halide Perovskites"! It was really nice meeting and I learned a lot.

Oct. 13, 2017
Our short review on the photophysics of lead halide perovskites was published in Science Advances (visit papers).

Oct. 6, 2017
Our perspective paper on the role of dielectric drag in lead halide perovskites was published in ACS Energy Letter (visit papers).

Aug. 11, 2017
Our paper on large polaron in lead halide perovskites was published in Science Advances (visit papers).

Aug. 9, 2017
I gave an invited talk on SPIE Optics + Photonics 2017 about how to understand the unique optoelectronic properties on lead halide perovskites.

July 26, 2017
Our paper on light-induced motion detected by ultrafast electron diffraction in lead halide perovskites was published in Science Advances (visit papers).

July 14, 2017
I gave a talk on "Workshop on Quasi-particle Dynamics in Quantum Confined and Emerging Materials" about polaron dynamics in lead halide perovskites.

May 30, 2017
Our paper on coherent singlet fission in a ruburene crystal was published in Nature Chemisty (visit papers).

Apr. 17-21, 2017
I joined in the MRS spring meeting 2017 @Phoenix.I presented our updated studies on the photophysics in lead-halide perovskites.

Apr. 18, 2017
Our papers on organic devices using non-fulleren molecular acceptor were published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. (visit papers).

Mar. 14-17, 2017
I participated in the annual meeting 2017 for Chemistry Society of Japan @Kanagawa, giving a talk on our recent progress on lead-halide perovskites.

Nov. 15, 2016
Our paper on persistent energetic carriers in hybrid perovskites thin film was published online at J. Am. Chem. Soc. (visit papers).

Oct. 28, 2016
Our paper on a comparative study of the properties of band edge carriers in hybrid perovskites was published online at Adv. Mater. (visit papers).

Sep. 23, 2016
Our paper on protection of carriers in hybrid perovskites by dynamic screening was published online at Science (visit papers).

May. 5, 2016
Our paper on a direct mechanism of singlet fission on pentacene dimer was published online at ACS Cent. Sci. (visit papers).

Mar. 30, 2016
Our paper on enhancement of coherence size by alkyl chain substitution was published online at J. Phys. Chem. C (visit papers).

June. 20-23, 2015
I participated in Singlet Fission Workshop 2015 @Colorado, USA.
May. 8, 2015
Our paper on microscopic hole transfer efficiency in organic semiconductors studied with charge -modulation spectroscopy was published online at Phys. Rev. B.(visit papers).

Apr. 1, 2015
Started working as a postdoctral researcher at the XYZ Lab. @Columbia University, New York.

Mar. 23, 2015
I got Ph.D. of Science from Kyoto University (Department of Chemistry).

Nov. 2-6, 2014
I joined in "The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7)"@Shimane(Japan) and made a poster presentation about spectroscopic study of microscopic carrier transport efficiency in organic thin film transistors.

Sep. 21-24, 2014
I joined in "The 8th Conference on Molecular Science (��8�񕪎q�Ȋw���_��)"@Higashi-hiroshima and conducted an oral presentation with the title "Ultrafast dynamics of coherent phonons and singlet fission in rubrene single crystal".

Jul. 13, 2014
This website was created.

Jul. 07-11, 2014
I participated in "19th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena"@Okinawa(Japan) and conducted a oral presentation with the title "Coherent phonon dynamics in singlet fission of rubrene single crystal".

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