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Kekkaishi Wiki
Kekkaishi Wiki

Characters (in order of appearance)[]


Yoshimori surrounds Kakeru with a Kekkai and asks if she has come as a Shinyuuchi hunter. Ichigou appears and destroys the Kekkai with his sword. Kakeru is annoyed that he did not wait for her command, but Yoshimori is stunned because both Ichigou's eyes and earring remind him of Souji Hiura, who appears at his side. Kakeru instantly recognizes him as "Number Three", which startles Yoshimori since Souji claimed not to know them. Souji simply says they are the enemy and prepares to attack. Kakeru is amused, insisting they have been comrades until now, and inviting Souji to join them in conquering Karasumori, but Souji insists on defeating them. Kakeru commands Ichigou to fight. Ichigou and Souji exchange blows, but Yoshimori separates them with a Kekkai, reminding Souji of his promise to protect Karasumori. Michiru reminds Kakeru of their plan, and Kakeru uses a spell to create a large gear around herself, which carves out the ground around her. As Fumiya Somegi and Ito Orihara rush to Karasumori, they are able to see a giant version of the same spell design appearing around the floating school and covering the entire town.


Volume 27
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