This is how I look when I travel....
This is me on a plane...
You gotta love Southwest bags, baby!
As you all probably know, I was born in LA....moved to the boonies....moved back to LA (which is where I really got my start in make-up) I live back in the boonies...but I travel to LA...allllllllll the time. (plus all my family is there, so for birthdays and especially when my sister has her baby- I'm gonna be on stand-by on the phone- to race to the airport when she goes in to labor- she asked if I'd be there to help her!)
The last 2 months, I think I 've been here for work like every other week...for some kind of shoot or filming of something. The awesome part is, everyone that I work with knows I have a baby, and works with my "baby schedule", usually during a shoot- when everyone else takes a lunch break, that's when I go feed baby (still nursin') and get her to go to sleep for a nap with my mom, then go back and the time she wakes up again, I'm done! It is so great. Even when I worked on How Do I Look, for the Style channel, baby was with me on set (and my precious mom, who has helped me with all my babies, including Jordan), and everyone was so great- they even bought her a travel baby swing!
I don't work on long shoots anymore, because it's too hard to work a long day like that with all my little ones.
Quick trips, even flying, can be exhausting...and my "mom-tourage" comes with me....
Like when I got to go to the Emmy's - all the kids and my mom, got to visit with my sister right next door to the Emmy', then I ran back as soon as I had a chance. And Alani thought I looked like a princess...which totally made my whole night!
But now that baby is walking, it makes things a little trickier in the airport, because she just wants to go everywhere...she wants to walk down the aisle in the plane... she wants to wave at everyone, she even tried to pat the guy's hair, who was sitting in front of us while we waited to take off! ha ha ha
The screeners at security always "love" my Zuca bag- they're like, "what is that"...."what are all those things in your bag", from all the metal or magentic palettes or other things in my make-up kit! ha ha ha
The Oscars are today. Now, boy do I wish I got to go to that! I will not be at the Oscars at all...but we can all pretend we are there together ok! What are you going to wear our "imagination" trip to the Oscars?
I've been thinking about doing a "how to travel with your make-up" video and maybe "what to take when you travel with your kids" or "what to take when you travel with a baby" video...because I travel a lot with not just my make-up gear, but my all my babies' gear too!
Plus, while I'm here I'm trying to set up something really super cool to film to show you guys on youtube- like this is going to be a pretty huge before and after, if I can do it! We'll see- but if I can, this is gonna be soooooooooo fun to show you guys!
Let me know what videos you'd like to see. I better go for now, I'm so tired, it's like 12:47am and my whole "mom-tourage" is asleep already is not sleeping that well because of her teething, she wakes up a lot during the night, so I better sleep while I can, because we are certainly not getting much sleep during this teething time of life....huge hugs from the City of Angels....I love when I'm here, I just wish I had more time to visit with all my family and friends,