contact info
If you are looking to book me for an event, you might want to check out my booking webpage first — it includes examples of the types of performances and presentations that I can offer.

If you are seeking permission to excerpt, reprint, or translate something that I have written, I encourage you to read this FAQ first — it should answer most of your questions.

You can follow me on numerous social media platforms — and don’t forget to sign up for my email list to receive updates on my upcoming creations and events!

I can be reached at the following email address:

(please do not add me to any email list without asking me first—nonconsensual email subscriptions will be blocked as spam)

before emailing, please read the following note:

Ever since Whipping Girl came out, the number of email messages I receive have increased enormously. Some of these are ‘thank you’s from people who enjoyed the book. Other messages are from people who have questions about, or who are offering constructive criticism regarding, things I have written. Still others are requests asking for help regarding finding trans resources, advice about transitioning, asking for my help or participation in trans- or gender-related projects, and so forth.

When I have time, I try to respond to as many emails as I can. But unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day, and I simply do not have time to answer all of them. My apologies in advance to those who never receive a reply from me.

For the record, I will do my best to answer all booking, performing, writing, publishing, and press/media-related requests in a timely manner.

For emails that fall outside of that realm, it is less likely that I will have time to respond. But you should know that I do make a point of reading all my emails, so if you do send me your thoughts, appreciation, concerns, issues, or questions, I will certainly read and consider them, even if I do not have time for a thoughtful reply.

And finally, for those who do email me: I have to filter through lots of spam every day. So to ensure that I don't accidentally delete your email before reading it, it would be extra-helpful if in the subject of the email, you used unique words (such as your organization, uncommon words like “transgender” and the like, etc.) to help me distinguish your message from all of the vaguely-titled spam emails I get...thanks!

thanks, -julia

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julia serano ©2002-2024