Advancing medical science and clinical practice
At BMJ Group, we advance medical science by offering researchers, librarians, and medical practitioners a platform to access and contribute to pioneering knowledge. Our world renowned editorial standards and values underpin the knowledge we publish, and our journals are trusted resources for healthcare professionals and researchers globally.
In addition to our flagship journal, The BMJ, we publish over 60 journals covering a wide spectrum of medical and allied science specialties. Our peer reviewed journals include high impact, selective titles that publish innovative research, comprehensive reviews, educational content and case studies. With BMJ Journals, you can be sure that your research, practice, and collections are informed by the latest and most impactful discoveries.

Introducing BMJ Connections journals
Our newly launched Connections series brings together the medical research community for meaningful real world impact. Focusing on rapidly evolving fields within biomedicine, BMJ Connections journals accept submissions of all well-conducted research to support the completion of the scientific record and advance ongoing dialogue within the medical community. As with all our journals, each Connections journal is supported by the rigorous approach to content integrity, publication ethics and customer service, for which the BMJ brand is renowned.
Staying at the forefront of research
of our indexed journals are within the top half of their specialty category, with 26% ranking in the top 10*
most cited in Clinical Medicine, 12th in Public Health, and 8th in Health Services Research**
clinical guidance and health policy documents from 74 countries published in 2023, cited BMJ Group***
international news mentions of articles published by BMJ Group in 2023 clinical guidance and health policy documents from 74 countries published in 2023, cited BMJ Group****
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Our latest launches

BMJ Connections Clinical
Genetics and Genomics
A peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing research on human genetics and genomics >>

BMJ Connections
A broad scope, international, open access, and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the oncologic specialties >>
Latest content from our journals
2025 Canadian guideline for physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep throughout the first year post partum
Adolescent health research and initiatives in the occupied Palestinian territory: a scoping review
Impact of pregnancy on the maternal brain in health and multiple sclerosis
Are “copycat” compounded weight loss drugs safe?
Rectal non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and post-ERCP pancreatitis: it is time for the next chapter in prophylaxis
Comparative effectiveness and prescribing trends of modified release versus immediate release indapamide in patients with hypertension: cohort study
About BMJ Group
Providing research, knowledge, and education to health professionals since 1840
Since 1840, BMJ Group has been at the forefront of providing research, knowledge, and education to health professionals worldwide, envisioning a healthier world for all. With a global reach spanning five offices across the UK, the Americas, India, and China, we maintain our position as one of the most trusted brands in the world by providing the very best publishing expertise, digital health tools, and learning resources.