


If you want to learn installation steps for presets, see source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/propertiesdialog.svg Tagging Presets register in source:trunk/resources/images/preference.svg Preferences
If you want to extend presets with your own see - TaggingPresets

What are presets?

Presets in JOSM are menu-driven shortcuts to tag common object types in OpenStreetMap. They provide you with a user friendly interface to edit one or more objects at a time, suggest additional keys and values you may wish to add to those objects, and most importantly, prevent you from having to enter keys and values by hand.

There are three types of Presets available to you in JOSM. Adding or removing any of these items requires restarting JOSM.

  1. The Internal Preset list, defined in defaultpresets.xml, is the default set of presets available in the JOSM Presets menu. Changes to the Internal Presets requires modification of the JOSM source code.
  2. JOSM user-community created (and published) Available presets, which can be enabled through the Tagging Presets register in Preferences. The full list of these Available presets, and how to publish a new one you create, appears below.
  3. Custom Tagging Presets files, for cases where you want to use customized Presets but they are not published to JOSM as an Available preset. Customized presets can be added through the Tagging Presets register in Preferences, either by URL, or by filename on your local filesystem. The format of a Custom Tagging Presets .xml file appears at TaggingPresets.

JOSM Available presets

short descriptionauthordescriptionversion
icon (Motor)Caravan site gmbo This set of presets adds capabilities for using the caravan_site tag. More details 0.9_2020-08-11
2023 Turkey Earthquake katpatuka HOT Turkey Earthquake tagging helper More details 0.1_7_2023-02-25
3D Simple Buildings Tomasz Kędziora (Kendzi) Presets for Simple 3D building properties 0.9_2018-05-08
Access Mapping India Patrick Access Mapping India 1.34_2022-10-18
Accomodation tag extentions Jan van Bekkum Accomodation tag extentions More details 1.11_2024-04-01
Additional presets for Mtbikers Adds preset for singletrails and tracks More details 2.8_2024-04-04
Addr2 freeExec Preset for easy addition of double addresses 1.07_2020-04-11
Advertising devices editor Barnes38 Editor to help tagging advertising devices into JOSM. Several types predefined. More details 0.69_2021-11-25
Allergy Karsten Hinz Preset to easily add allergy and organic tags on bakeries, restaurants, ... 0.7_2016-08-15
Animal facilities Viking81 Tags for animal shelters and animal boarding facilities 1.7_2021-11-25
Archaeology in Sardinia dan980 Presets to tag Archaeological sites in Sardinia 1.7_2019-08-15
Baby friendliness Discostu36 Tags indicating the baby friendliness of a POI 1.9_2019-08-19
icon BAR Damage Assessment jgc This preset supplies colored and shaped icons and classes, for tagging visible structural strength and damage scale of buildings, according to HHI BAR damage assessment methodology, adapted for OSM More details 0.10_2019-01-01
Base Roads Check vs Open Data Project SeverinGeo This preset is related to the Base Roads Check vs Open Data Mapping Project. It allows to tag roads easily and mention their accuracy 1.10.8_2019-08-15
Belgium (Mapping in Belgium) Marc Gemis (Escada); L'imaginaire For starters in Belgium. The idea is to group a number of frequently used tag combinations, such that one can map faster and more correctly. This file supports the information on 0.33.157_2025-01-27
icon bicycle rental station gmbo bicycle rental station 1.10_2024-08-13
Bicycle waypoints Adiac Bicycle network related waypoints 1.4_2018-03-24
icon Boundary stones and milestones Lübeck,Lutz Historic Stones / Boundary Stones / Milestones 1.34_2019-02-05
Building Preset didier2020,skyper Building Preset 1.10_2020-06-27
Buildings Indonesia Kate Chapman Building collection presets for Indonesia 1.6_2016-04-06
icon Bus lane geozeisig Bus lane 1.0.13_2018-03-24
Bus stops in Bogota, Colombia Andres Gomez Casanova - AngocA Presets to create bus stops for the different transportation types of Bogota (SITP and Transmilenio) More details 2.13_2023-05-08
CAI Alfredo Gattai, Luca Delucchi Club Alpino Italiano (CAI) 0.4.2
Camp Site extends jeepster4000 Camp Site extends all in one windows More details 0.12_2018-03-24
Charlieu's Schema for POI's CapitaineMoustache Preset for easy addition of POI's addresses and other contact information with contact: prefix keys (Charlieu's Schema) 3_2023-11-30
cigarette vending machines in DE Elefant-aus-Wuppertal preset for tagging common cigarette vending machines in Germany 17.17_2024-01-30
Common Keyboard Shortcuts Chase Stephens Allows easy tagging using keyboard shortcuts for very common tags. 1.6_2020-09-23
Community Centre with types and targets Polarbear-j Community Centres including centre types, target groups and religion 1.4_2019-04-23
icon Comprehensive preset for MTB trails Idrissa Djepa Creutz Fully detailed descriptions for all keys suitable for singletracks, no more need to open the OSM wiki pages next to JOSM / Translated in French More details 13_2022-01-26
icon Comprehensive presets for non-motorized routes Idrissa Djepa Creutz Detailed key descriptions, suitable to all kind of routes (hiking, cycling, winter sports...) / Translated in French More details 6_2022-01-27
Contact: (social networks, IMs) Alexander-II Add-on with social networks and IMs keys More details 1.5_2019-07-01
Crafts MaZderMind, osm@… This set of presets adds capabilities for using the craft tag which are not available by default. More details 1.15_2024-03-15
icon Cycle paths Gmbo, OSM-Community-Bochum, Rainero Preset for cycle track tagging in cities More details 1.29_2024-08-14
Czech hiking routes vrabcak Tagging presets for relations mapping Czech hiking routes More details 0.8_2018-03-24
icon Disaster damage Assessment - Mayotte Chido SeverinGeo This preset provides colored class icons for tagging the visible damage scale of structures. It uses the same 4 categories as the HHI BAR damage assessment methodology or the Copernicus EMS. For buildings, it also includes the roof shapes that can be easily identified with high resolution satellite imagery. The metadata tags are set up to support the response to the Mayotte Chido cyclone, but can be quickly adapted for other disasters. More details 0.2.9_2025-02-02
icon Disaster Tagging Eifelkobold Adds damage: Tags 1.1_2022-03-06-Anstois
Disc Golf Courses sidjy Presets for Mapping of Disc Golf Courses 0.1.4_2018-03-24
Drinks (key drink:*) Alexander-II Describes which specific drink you can obtain in places More details 1.11_2019-07-24
DTLM UNGSC - Brindisi United Nations Global Service Centre - DTLM tagging preset 1.12_2022-07-04
icon Estaciones de servicio Argentina AgusQui Carga de marcas y tipos de combustibles en estaciones de servicio de Argentina More details 6.31_2024-08-13
icon Fitness Station Equipment radioxoma More details 1.1_2024-07-20
icon FranceRoads whatismoss Presets for tagging roads in France 0.6_2023-08-23
icon Franchises in Korea LuxuryCoop Main franchises in South Korea More details 1_2023-02-27
icon Freemap Slovakia Freemap Slovakia Presets for Slovak mappers 1.21_2024-09-07 source simon04 Preset to set source to 1.1_2011-07-26
icon Georgia Anton Nesterov Georgian POIs More details 0.0.1
icon German truck toll attributes Klaus-Geo German truck toll adding hgv=* , toll:*= * and toll:operator=* for ways 0.0.6_2019-10-06
icon Ghost Bike rdfhrn Ghost Bike More details 1.26_2022-10-24
icon GLAM martingggg Presets GLAM for Museums, Galleries, Archives, Libraries and Heritage More details 0.1.1_2020-05-06
icon Golf Courses tumsi Presets for Mapping of Golf Courses 0.1.13_2021-12-20
icon Greenery Jeroen Hoek Presets for man-managed greenery. 1.2_2021-08-30
Harbours Malcolm Herring Harbour elements for OpenSeaMap 1.0.1_2019-03-10
icon Healthcare !i! and M!dgard Healthcare services tagged with healthcare=* (limited to current top value) More details 43_2025-02-05
icon Heritage properties Gmbo / Geozeisig / Daniel Capilla Heritage properties all in one windows 2.0.86_2024-08-27
hiking routes with trail marking juestres Tagging presets for relations mapping hiking routes with trail marking 0.6_2018-03-24
hiking/mtb routes with trail marking roberto Tagging presets for relations mapping hiking routes with trail marking 0.8_2018-03-24
icon Historic Objects Lutz/Zecke Historic Objects 1.216_2024-03-08
Hot Nepal Earthquake (experimental) alekno unofficial HOT Nepal Earthquake tagging helper on common TM tagging schemes More details 0.1_13_2024-08-14
HOT PDC InAWARE Indonesia Project HOT Indonesia HOT PDC InAWARE Indonesia Project 2.4.14_2024-08-13
hunting_and_fishing Sowa1980 hunting_and_fishing More details 0.3_2022-05-03
icon Industrial type Preset Marián Kyral Industrial type Preset 0.9_8_2018-03-24
icon Iranian Presets kiaraSh.Q Some additional presets to use with a single click More details 0.152_2021-11-25
icon Irish boundaries IrlJidel Presets to tag Irish boundaries 9.5_2021-11-25
IRS presets Zverik Presets for simpler IRS tracing More details 1.2.9_2018-03-24
is_sidepath skyper Preset for the proposed is_sidepath=yes and its subkeys More details 0.1.3_2021-09-07
JA:Naming sample tsuhi This preset is in accordance with the basic rules for chain stores in Japan 3.0b12_30_2024-08-14
icon Jaguey: Local name for water pond Luis M Sánchez OMNIBUS Local name for water pond 1.4_2024-06-12
Japan Tsunami Presets PierZen Adds Presets for Japan Tsunami More details 1.10_2018-03-24
Japanese 50 sounds order Japanese OSM Users These presets are converted from JA:Howto_Map_A of OSM wiki. Most of items are written in Japanese. Sub Group A-Z is for foreigner living in Japan. More details 1.12_2020-04-24
icon Japanese Address Mikołaj 'Natsuyasumi' Kuranowski Preset to make Japanese Address tagging easier More details 10_2023-06-29
icon Jungle stops nlehuby Presets for adding main tags for public transport stops surveyed with Jungle Bus osmtracker layout More details 0.3
icon Lane attributes skyper A preset for tagging (turn-) lane attributes More details 1.3.54_2023-01-21
LCA from HDDM Les Libres Geographes Logistics Capacity Assessment from UNSDI-T 1.5_2018-03-24
Leaf_type Rudolf Martin Preset with approved keys 'leaf_type=' and 'leaf_cycle='. Key 'wood='is deprecated. 7.2018-03-24
Light sources Manuel Hohmann Presets for light sources, proposed on March 11, 2014. More details 0.7_2019-08-15
LV sources iav Latvian mappers typical data sources More details 1.7_2018-03-24
icon Mangrove Luis M Sánchez OMNIBUS Mangrove forest 1.2_2023-02-25
Manholes Alexander-II Manholes tagging preset More details 1.5_2019-08-21
icon Mapping Accessibility LorenzoStucchi Set of preset to be used to map the elements of accesibility, used inside the ViaLibera?! project More details 2.11_2021-02-16
Mapping Serbia Predrag Supurovic Proposal for map object definitions as standard for mapping Serbia More details 0.0.13
icon Mast and tower skyper Adds a complete tagging preset for all kind of masts and towers. More details 0.3.38_2023-01-26
Maxspeed zones lzhl National speed limits zones 0.11_2023-09-02
mobile phone base stations juestres Tagging presets for mobile phone base stations (currently german provider only) 0.7_2022-03-27
icon Mobiliario Urbano Hernan Carga rápida de elementos en calzadas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires More details 1.13.2018-03-24
icon Monuments of mechanical engineering Панкратов Александр Владимирович Sowa1980 Serves for the introduction of monuments to mechanical engineering 0.2_2022-03-23
Mountains lzhl Adds presets for mountain terrain tagging 0.7_2018-03-24
MTB Tagger kaivi MTB-specific tagging of ways 2.6_2019-08-15
Name Suggestion Index Name Suggestion Index Canonical common brand names for OpenStreetMap Object More details] 6.0.20250302
NaPTAN Information [Beta] FreetimeFM [Beta] Add NaPTAN Information to public access points. If you found an error in this preset, please contact More details 2.5_2022-09-14
icon Natural disasters, disasters, danger. Панкратов Александр Владимирович Sowa1980 Natural disasters, disasters, danger. 0.3_2021-03-23
Navigation sign for hospital Hana Pikulikova More details 2.19_2020-12-05
new parking features Mario Schütze Contains the new parking features from "Proposed_features/parking" (see link). More details 1.9_2018-03-24
icon New Tags noname,Manu1400,pander,Klumbumbus,Penegal,francians Tags from the wiki, currently not included by default in JOSM because of low usage numbers or regional usage. 1.127_2024-11-01
icon NL - Fiets Dick van den Hoven, Allroads, AdVerburg Preset for Netherlands bicycle use related tags, supplemented with mofa, moped tags. 1.4.1
icon NOAA NGS station MoonfirePDX This preset adds details when using the survey_point tag for NOAA NGS stations. More details 0.5_2023-08-17
icon Oil Palm trees Luis M Sánchez OMNIBUS monoculture crops 1.6_2024-06-12
icon One click settings Dirk Stöcker Some additional presets to use with a single click 2.29_2020-04-19
OpenPisteMap Bernhard Hopke Provides presets for the OpenPisteMap-Project. More details 1.4_2021-11-25
OpenRailwayMap BOStrab signals OpenRailwayMap Preset to tag tram signals in Germany 1.0
OpenRailwayMap Infrastructure DE+AT OpenRailwayMap Preset to tag German and Austrian railway infrastructure 2016-04-18
OpenRailwayMap Signale AT V2 OpenRailwayMap Preset to tag Austrian railway signals 1.0
OpenRailwayMap Signale DE ESO OpenRailwayMap Preset to tag German railway signals 1.0
OpenRailwayMap special AVG signals OpenRailwayMap Preset to tag some special railway signals used by Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft around Karlsruhe 1.0
OpenStationMap Roland Wagner - (rwagner@…) Akaparis GmbH; Axel Sommer | Dirk Schlierkamp-Voosen Deutsche Bahn AG ; Roland Olbricht - Mentz GmbH OpenStationMap aims to refine stations with indoor and railway specific features in OSM. A view can be found at: More details 0.5.10_2024-06-12
OSMRookie yopaseopor Preset for tag as a newbie and easily and participate on #OSMRookie. Join Us. 1.9_2024-04-01
icon Parcel Lockers Eifelkobold A preset to tag Parcel Lockers 0.6_2022-10-17.Ahrmühle
PDC PhilAWARE Critical Lifeline Infrastructure HOT Philippines Mapping Critical Lifeline Infrastucture in Pampanga and Quezon City as part of HOT-PH's PDC PhilAWARE Project 1.9_2024-06-12
pedestrian crossings in DE Lukas458 preset for tagging pedestrian crossings with roads in Germany - on nodes 1.2_2023-01-17
icon Persian Presets Ebrahim Nejati Full default presets and MORE in Persian 1.6v
icon Philippines Addresses preset Erwin '@GOwin' Olario Philippine addresses preset for conveniently tagging addresses More details 1.9_2024-04-09
icon Philippines Jeepneys Hike&Map Philippines Jeepney Presets for conveniently adding all Objects part of Jeepney Routes More details 1.15_2023-02-13
icon Philippines Traffic Signs Hike&Map Tag easily nodes along highways as traffic signs for the Philippines using the official DPWH codes. Based on work from @yopaseopor More details 1.9_2023-06-04
icon Places_ES iago Tag easily places (entities and territories) from Spain. More details 1.2.13_2020-01-15
Playground Equipment Lutz,Polarbear Playground Equipment 1.27_2024-07-20
Police et gendarmeries (France) Noémie Lehuby Pour cartographier facilement les commissariats de police et les gendarmeries en France cf. 0.3_2019-08-15
icon Post boxes in the UK caranteth Presets for more detailed mapping of the UK postal system 1.4_2022-09-25
icon Post partners casiosmu A preset to tag post partners (shops that additionally offer a small subset from one or more postal services) 1.3_2025-01-08
Power Line Mapping ssherpa Power Line Mapping ZECO 1.55_2022-02-07
Power Line Mapping Kaduna Electric ssherpa + jcarbz + Orowole+NZ Power Line Mapping customized for NGA Asset Mapping 1.22_2023-10-31
Power Line Mapping NGA ssherpa + jcarbz + Orowole+NZ Power Line Mapping customized for NGA Asset Mapping 1.41_2023-10-31
Power Line Mapping NGA V2 ssherpa + jcarbz + Orowole+NZ Power Line Mapping customized for NGA Asset Mapping 1.15_2023-10-31
Power Line Mapping PPL ssherpa, Naichen Power Line Mapping customized for PNG Power Limited asset mapping 1.20_2023-10-31
Power Line Mapping REA ssherpa, Naichen, JonasMwende Power Line Mapping customized for Tanzania Rural Energy Agency 1.9_2023-10-31 1.6_2024-09-28
icon public bookcase gmbo This set of presets adds capabilities for using the public_bookcase tag. More details 0.14_2020-05-06
Public Transport (one click) simon04 One click presets for the new Public Transport schema More details 6_2018-03-24
Public Transport GTFS skyper Additional tags for public transportation including tags for GTFS and PTNA More details 0.2.35_2021-07-07
icon Public Transport of Belarus (BY) Korney San (основа - iRewer) Templates for public transport mapping in Belarus' cities and their suburbs More details 1.5_2022-02-11
icon Public Transport of Minsk (BY) iRewer Templates for public transport mapping in Minsk City (Belarus) and its suburbs More details 0.2.7_2019-08-16
Quick Tracks Freemap Slovakia Quick Tracks 1.1_2016-08-12
Quick-highways lzhl Presets for quickly adding popular highway=* and surface=* tags 0.20_2021-09-02
Quick-stops lzhl Presets for quickly adding main tags for public_transport=platform/srop_position and crossings 0.9_2015-05-02
icon Rekvizit Sowa1980, Alexander-II; Company_Rekvizit More details 0.6_2020-05-02
Rescue Service infrastructure in Poland SQ9NIT Tagging presets for emergency infrastructure in Poland (highway, forestry) More details 0.12_2020-08-23
icon Rights of way in England and Wales achadwick Public rights of way in England and Wales, using the good bits out of the global tagging style while retaining our ancient folkways and customs. 0.12_2024-06-23
Russian POI Tatarstan Глеб Adding POIs typical for the territory of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan 1.28_2024-06-10
icon Russian POIs literan and others Tagging preset for Russian shops and amenities More details 2.0_2024-04-24_1
scuba_diving Inger Holndonner Scuba divespots and scuba diving amenities (OpenSeaMap) 1.10_2019-05-01
seamark:type=bridge/gate kannix presets for adding bridge- or gate-objects to waterways for routing purpose 2019-08-15
icon Seamarks Aun 'Skippern' Johnsen, Malcolm Herring, Translator.DE: S. 'XPcRUSHER' Heilmann, Jo 'Josail' Ruppert Seamark Tagging according to INT-1 symbols 1.0.4
Seamarks padde Preset to easily add seamarks 0.32_2021-11-25
Shrines and Temples Yasunari YAMASHITA additional tags for shrines and temples. More details 2023-11-02
sidewalks, kerbs & entrances 4 wheelchair-users Michael Maier (species@osm) Add information about pavements, kerbs and entrances for wheelchair users 0.12
Simple Indoor Tagging sidjy Simple Indoor Tagging 1.7_2018-03-24
icon Skiing trails Cross-country skiing trails More details 1.7_2022-02-21
icon Slovenské turistické trasy Freemap Slovakia Slovenské turistické trasy 1.3_2020-07-12
Source Spain sanchi Tags to insert the sources of Spain 1.4_2023-04-26
icon Speed cameras for Belarus Neufoxet Tagging preset to add speed cameras in Belarus 0.19_2019-03-16
Speedlimits in Poland sznik 1.26_2024-12-08
icon Start_Data_preset Панкратов Александр Владимирович Sowa1980 Start_Data_preset More details 0.4_2020-05-16
Steps properties Sebastian Hohmann Steps properties all in one windows or one-click in a menu More details 0.9.1
icon Stolpersteine Lübeck,Gmbo Stolpersteine - Artist Gunter Demnig's 'stumble stones' 1.17_2024-05-30
icon Stolpersteine - light version Lübeck,Gmbo,Klumbumbus Stolpersteine - Artist Gunter Demnig's 'stumble stones'. This version specializes in the essential tags ​​for stolpersteins. 1.23_2018-03-03
Street cabinet Jacob Bräutigam, Alexander-II street cabinets More details 1.1_2018-02-20
icon Street Parking Sebastian Klemm, Kay Drangmeister, Alexander-II, riiga, Supaplex030 Parking lanes along roads and parking/stopping restrictions More details 3.25_2022-12-11
icon Subscriber mailbox Панкратов Александр Владимирович Sowa1980 Serves for indicating the Subscriber mailbox More details 0.1_2020-05-02
Sunu Gox Les Libres Géographes Preset pour l'initiative Sunu Gox 1.3_2018-03-24
icon Surveillance (cams and more) Hatto von Hatzfeld Adding common tags of a surveillance cam or other means of surveillance 0.7_2019-12-14
Tags for Czech/Slovak address system jose1711, Marián Kyral More details 2.8_2018-03-24
icon Tags for observatories Michael Bemmerl More details 2.8_2019-01-01
Taiwan Only Some presets only use in Taiwan region More details 34
Telecoms - Central offices and connections points ZZ29 Easy add of telecom infrastructures 0.13_2023-02-12
telephones (public telephones) in DE Elefant aus Wuppertal preset for tagging Telekom's public telephones in Germany 36.36_2025-01-04
TMC import Germany Michael Bemmerl Tags for the TMC import Germany More details 1.7_2018-03-24
icon Toll Infrastructure Manuel de la Torre Presets for tagging toll-booths and toll-gantries More details 1.5_2021-11-25
icon Traffic signs_A yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Austria. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_AD yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Andorra. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_AR yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Argentina. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_AU yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Australia. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_BE yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Belgium. Begin to be localizated. More details 4.2021-09-11
icon Traffic signs_BR yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Brazil. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_BY yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Belarus. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2023-11-10
icon Traffic signs_CA yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Canada. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_CH yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Switzerland. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_CL yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Chile. Begin to be localizated. More details 5.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_CN yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from China. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_CO yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Germany. Begin to be localizated. More details 2023-07-23.2
icon Traffic signs_CZ yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Czech Republic. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_DE yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Germany. Begin to be localizated. More details 2024-12-31.2
icon Traffic signs_DK yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Denmark. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_EE yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Estonia. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_ES yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Spain. Begin to be localizated. More details 6.2025-02-25
icon Traffic signs_FI yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Finland. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2025-02-25
icon Traffic signs_FR yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from France. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2023-11-14
icon Traffic signs_GB yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from the United Kingdom. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_GR yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Greece. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_HU yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Hungary. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_ID yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Indonesia. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_IL yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Israel. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_IS yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Island. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_IT yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Italy. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_JP yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Japan. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_KR yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from South Korea. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_MX yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Mexico. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_NL yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from the Netherlands. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2023-11-05
icon Traffic signs_NO yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Norway. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_PE yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Peru. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_PL yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Poland. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_PT yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Portugal. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_RS yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Serbia. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_RU yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Russia. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_SE yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Sweden. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_SK yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Slovakia. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_TR yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Turkey. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_UA yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from Ukraine. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2019-08-06
icon Traffic signs_US yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from the United States. Begin to be localizated. More details 2.2023-11-13
icon Traffic signs_ways and human yopaseopor Tag easily ways for highways and traffic signs with human readable values. Also with area:highway . Begin to be localizated. More details 2025-02-18
icon Traffic signs_ZA yopaseopor Tag easily ways and nodes for highways and traffic signs from South Africa. Begin to be localizated. More details 1.2019-08-06
Transdev ticket punching machine in VRR, Germany Elefant-aus-Wuppertal preset for tagging machines which punch public transport tickets if the operator Transdev in VRR, Germany 5.5_2024-08-25
Transdev ticket vending machine in VRR, Germany Elefant-aus-Wuppertal preset for tagging machines vending public transport tickets if the operator Transdev in VRR, Germany 13.13_2024-08-25
TransforMap Tag-Presets Michael Maier (species@osm) Presets covering all the proposed tags for project TransforMap 0.42
Tree names in a menu with structure HeinerSchaefer Tree names in a menu for trees and tree rows 1.0 2024-10
Tree names with taxom Petr Schönmann Tree names with taxom 0.5_2019-08-15
Trôtrô stop Florian Lainez from Jungle Bus For mapping trôtro stops in Accra, Ghana cf. 0.5_2021-11-25
icon Turistaút kapcsolat Domcsi Turistaút kapcsolatok készítése More details 1_17_2020-05-13
icon TurnLanes tags Abhilekh Singh A preset for tagging turn lanes More details 0.6_2019-02-12
icon UK Addresses achadwick United Kingdom addresses 1.10_2024-07-22
US Historic Places Katycat5e National and state historic site tagging for JOSM 0.2
Wetland RU definitions Korney San Wetland descriptions clarified by tags for Russia 1.1_2024-10-08
icon Wifi Hotspots bcattelino Presets for Mapping of Wifi Hotspots or areas of wifi connectivity in the community 0.1.28_2019-10-06
icon Wikidata whatismoss Presets for Wikidata tags 0.1_2022-01-06
Windrad Flacus Vorlagen für Windräder More details 3.5_2023-04-20
icon Xmas Tagging Lübeck, Ulmtuelp, Negreheb, Emga, Dakon, Klumbumbus, miche101 Xmas Tagging More details 1.15_2024-11-09
Éditeur de dispositifs publicitaires Barnes38 Éditeur pour renseigner les attributs des dispositifs publicitaires dans JOSM. Plusieurs types prédéfinis qui doivent correspondre assez bien aux dispositifs publicitaires en France. More details 0.38_2021-11-25
icon Паштовыя скрыні Белпошты bigopenmac Паштовыя скрыні Белпошты Рэспублiкi Беларусь More details 1.3_2023-06-06
Способы оплаты (РФ) NetWormKido 1.8_2018-03-24
日本の樹木 Maripo GODA and contributors 日本でよく見られる樹木のプリセットです 201806252056
日本の決済手段 Maripo GODA and contributors 日本で使われる決済手段です。 1.1_2022-07-27
東アジアの樹木 Maripo GODA and contributors 東アジアでよく見られる樹木のプリセットです 201903091325

Publish a new Available presets item

See TaggingPresets for the syntax of customized preset files. Be sure to validate a preset file before publishing it!

JOSM wiki Available preset (preferred method)

In order to add a new wiki based preset, simply create a new wiki page similar to the existing wiki presets.

  1. go to
    1. change the URL so it matches the name of your preset; change only the last part after ...Presets/, (preferred is CamelCase)
    2. press Enter after adjusting the name
  2. click 'create this page'
  3. add content similar to existing preset wikis, e.g. Presets/OneClick
  4. don't forget to enclose your preset code by a code block (#!preset needs to be on a new line after {{{):
    1. {{{
    2. #!preset
    3. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    4. ...
    5. }}}
  5. save the wiki page
  6. after a few minutes the new wiki preset will show up in the list and in JOSM automatically
  7. for automatic version adjustment you have to use [[revision]]_[[date]] in your version variable:
    • [[revision]] - is the latest version number of the wiki page
    • [[date]] - is the date of the last edit of the wiki page
    • recommended usage: version="1.[[revision]]_[[date]]" (converts to e.g. 1.13_2019-02-24)
    • this is required for an automatic update within JOSM

Externally hosted Available preset

A new externally hosted preset URLs can be published by editing this page.
Note: Only URLs with file-extension (e.g. *.mapcss, *.xml, *.zip, *.php) are supported.

Icon handling in Available presets

  • See Styles#Icons for a description how attached files and icons are handled.
  • Empty image paths like icon="" are not allowed.

Updating Available presets in JOSM

Once a preset was updated in the wiki (or another external source) it takes up to 10 days until the preset gets updated in JOSM automatically. To immediately force an update you can do the following steps:

  1. Open the Preferences
  2. Make sure Expert Mode is enabled
  3. Open the Advanced Preferences
  4. Search for keys starting with: mirror. (or mirror. for other external sources)
  5. Select the preset you want to update
  6. Click on Reset at the bottom of the window
  7. Click on OK to save the changes (and to close the preference window)
  8. Restart JOSM


  1. Remove the content of your <josm.cache> folder
  2. Restart JOSM

Available presets managed in the JOSM wiki

Outdated and disabled:

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Last modified 6 weeks ago Last modified on 2025-01-20T16:20:39+01:00
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.