
Peanut Butter is Better

Peanut butter is better than bitter books because....
bitter books don't go well with your favorite jelly.
And that's just the plain truth. In a nutshell, if I may.

It's simple really. If you can imagine smearing your
favorite butter be it crunchy chunky or even creamy
all over the most bitter book rather than lavishly atop
your favorite jam well then I think you can imagine
just what I mean. The pulp would stink.

And what else could be worse? So hear me versed
if you ever want to make a bitter book better then
rather than slather your fave butter into it save it for
the real jam and use something else, like... well ...

I don't know what would be good with bitter books
but... having said that I'll also add save your nuts
for the fruitcake, anyway.

... pause ...
:)~ AND laugh...


connect 12

 and so I did... 

Nothing... to the power of nothing, is indeed something!

  0.0........  Pi and ..............Phi
51.51 x 0.0314159265 = 1.618234374

Each side of the Great Pyramid rises at an angle of 51.5 degrees to the top... "
This quote Source: NOVA

 (Magicians always want you to look there when they really mean here)...


a dear in the reads

 or was it a spear I read

as a deer in the reeds

brings about godspeed

and a beer in the spare

makes a six-pack there

"peer to peer"

is what I hear here

that I appear to a peer

which means we can share

summer beers... eYes. I accept.

Seer says Yay!  And so it was.

... I wonder how long

it will take their song

to appear amid...

my simple complexITy

A bit about God before we begin...

 "... he's quite hip... and she's a bit hippi..."

not quite a nut, just a lot like happy

he said... past plus present

makes the future quite bright

and a twist on the lime

gave cause

right rhyme

and so

it was...

that God

gave applause

as She paused 

for the Time

to create Light...

Act 3

Takes two to make four Sight....

God said "she's good"

and so center...

the Knights


it's nice to meet you

She said;

original date July 3, 2023