Copyright © 2010-2014,2015 by Thomas E. Dickey
I send mail or sign other files on more than one machine. My public keys are here, reflecting the email addresses that I use.
This website is
. It may also
resolve to
, however I never use the
latter for referring to the website or its contents.
I use the associated email account
[email protected]
which is the same as
[email protected]
I provide information regarding programs that I maintain via email, UseNet and other media. I usually identify myself using my name, rather than an alias. For example, depending on the media (working down from email to account names):
Thomas E. Dickey Thomas Dickey T.E.Dickey tedickey tdickey dickey
Given that, I do not consider myself anonymous.
There are rare exceptions.
For instance, starting around 2008 UseNet has become less accessible, and various web forums have largely replaced it. One drawback to these is that their content is controlled by a few individuals, who may overtly or silently modify the content and otherwise control access.
As a result, I am forced to use an alias for these web forums, with the corresponding user name in parentheses:
Guessing by the webpage's response, it seems that my name has been added to a list of disallowed usernames. However, there are numerous names in both forums which are offensive. So that idea lacks credibility.
Finally, there are a few forums where even that does not allow me to create an account (apparently rejecting my email address). My policy on those, is that if I am unable to provide corrected information, I will not use any information whatsoever from them.