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A pledge is a recurring donation; to pledge a regular amount to the IndieWeb community, see the IndieWeb Open Collective.
For creators, collecting pledges helps you raise money to support your work.
For patrons, making pledges allows you to support creators on an ongoing basis.
IndieWeb Examples
Do you have a feature on your website for folks to sign-up to pledge a regular amount and donate it? Add yourself!
Drew DeVault
Drew DeVault has a dedicated donation page: which has the ability to pledge regular donations via
And displays the monthly amount received via both in a graph at the bottom of the page
Community Examples
Community and co-op examples for pledging:
- Comradery also
- If anyone is using Comradery for their personal site / software, please...
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- Liberapay pledge-only (does not allow rewards), fee-free service for libre content
- One a Month Club is a "collection of blogs and other web projects that make supporting them both simple and inexpensive by offering access to everything for as little as $1 per month."
Silo Examples
- Patreon
- Rakhim's about page has a list of his patrons (on Patreon. It's like a blogroll (Rakhim doesn't link to their websites), but for supporters.
- ...
How to with Stripe
- Perhaps start Stripe#Brainstorming for how to use Stripe to implement pledge support on your own site, similar to the setup on
- ...
Related IndieWebCamp sessions:
See Also
- payment
- donation
- 2017/Austin/pay
- MailMate lets users become a Patron by setting up a recurring payment through FastSpring