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Explore the map to discover what you love in New York!

So Many Places to Discover
Discover what you LOVE in New York! Use the map to explore 11 Vacation Regions filled with historic sites, abundant waters, natural wonders and more.
cities_map AlexandriaBay New York City Montauk OysterBay Rhinecliff Poughkeepsie Hudson Beacon Buffalo NiagaraFalls Rochester Ithaca Syracuse Utica Corning Hunter Woodstock Jamestown Ellicottville Cooperstown Binghamton Albany SaratogaSprings Lake George Lake Placid
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People in a blue raft in Ausable Chasm

Enjoy boundless activities amid six million acres of forever wild landscape. Hike the High Peaks, kayak in pristine lakes, and explore picturesque villages from Lake George to Lake Placid. Discover unique museums from the Adirondack Experience to the Wild Center with its Wild Walk trail through the treetops, and find one-of-a-kind thrills like summer bobsled runs at the Olympic Sports Complex.

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Wild Center and Wild Walk aerial shot of wooden walkways
Dry rubbed chicken wings with a cup of blue cheese dip at Smoke Signals in Lake Placid
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Adirondack Balloon Festival
Colorful tulips bloom in front of the New York State Capitol Building

Explore culture, architecture, and nature in a region rich with an eclectic mix of attractions including Albany's magnificent Capitol building, craft breweries, distilleries and cideries, and unique performance venues from vintage to modern. Saratoga Springs features bubbling mineral springs, America's oldest sporting venue, a historic spa, and an open-air performing arts venue that's the summer home of the NYC Ballet.

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Saratoga Race Course - Photo by NYS ESD
Person holding an apple cider donut in front of the Indian Ladder Farms sign
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
4th of July Fireworks at Empire State Plaza
Museum at Bethel Woods Interior Bus

Cast a line in a trout stream in the region where fly fishing was invented, raft or tube down the Delaware River, experience the world's largest kaleidoscope and take a scenic skyride for a sightseeing trip of the Catskills. Relive the 1960s at the site of the original Woodstock Festival at Bethel Woods. 

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Museum at Bethel Woods
A photo of a spread of food from Phoenicia Diner: a burger, toast with baked beans and sausage, french toast with strawberries, bacon, and coffee
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Hunter Mountain Oktoberfest
Baseball Hall of Fame - Photos Courtesy of
Central New York

Experience a unique mix of small town charm and world-class attractions as country roads lead to the wondrous Howe Caverns and Cooperstown's internationally famous Baseball Hall of Fame and Glimmerglass Festival of opera and musical theater. Discover classic Americana from the Route 20 antique shops, to cruising the Erie Canal, to Binghamton's hand-carved carousels. Tastings and tours await at this craft brew destination.

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Fenimore Art Museum
a plate of burger and fries, with beers at ommegang brewery
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Glimmerglass Opera, Cooperstown
Rock City Park - Photo by NYS ESD

Discover great outdoor adventures, from trophy fishing on Lake Erie, to camping and biking in Allegany State Park, to mountain coaster rides at Holiday Valley. Scenic trails meander through nature preserves, towering rock formations, Amish Country farmland, and Lake Erie Wine Country. Celebrate Lucille Ball in her hometown of Jamestown at the National Comedy Center and find world-class arts and entertainment at the Chautauqua Institution. 

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National Comedy Center
Southern Tier Brewing - Credit David Fryling
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Chautauqua Institute on Chautauqua Lake
finger lakes canandaigua lake overlook fall panoramic -
Finger Lakes

Follow trails to award-winning wineries, explore the gorges near Ithaca, or marvel at the waterfalls of Taughannock Falls and Watkins Glen. Seneca Falls commemorates the first Women's Rights Convention at the Women's Rights National Historical Park, and more whimsical history at the It's a Wonderful Life Museum. Cultural treasures sparkle in Rochester, Syracuse, and Corning, home of the world's best collection of glass art.

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A glassblower shaping glass at the Corning Museum of Glass
White wine, crackers, cheese, and almonds displayed on a wooden table at Moosewood Restaurant along with a couscous salad
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Watkins Glen International - Photo Courtesy of Watkins Glen
People in blue ponchos stand on the top deck of the Maid of the Mist boat tour as it passes by Niagara Falls
Greater Niagara

Take in breathtaking vistas, from the Maid of the Mist and Cave of the Winds tours at Niagara Falls State Park to Letchworth State Park's "Grand Canyon of the East." Lake Erie and Lake Ontario offer world-class fishing and boating. Hike amid the vast Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge or take a wild ride at Six Flags Darien Lake. Follow the Niagara Wine Trail, taste Buffalo wings in the city where they were born, and discover Buffalo's revitalized waterfront.

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Six Flags Darien Lake Theme Park
Buffalo wings
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
A cheesecake with cherries on top at the Taste of Buffalo festival
Walkway Over The Hudson - Photo Courtesy of Beautiful Destinations
Hudson Valley

Explore magnificent landscapes and historic homes, stroll the world's longest pedestrian bridge 212 feet above the Hudson River, and see art in unique settings, from spectacular outdoor sculpture gardens to a converted cereal box factory. Legendary chefs create masterpieces at the renowned Culinary Institute of America.

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Mohonk Mountain House
Small serving of vegetables with green side sauce, served on a round white plate.
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Crowd viewing the Great Jack O'Lantern Blaze
Montauk Lighthouse
Long Island

Beach lover's paradise full of white-sand beaches, deep sea fishing, world-class wineries, farm-fresh cuisine and fabulous shopping. Discover the Gold Coast mansions that inspired The Great Gatsby, championship golf courses, and historic lighthouses from Fire Island to Montauk.

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Jones Beach State Park
A lobster roll with crinkle fries and cole slaw at Lobster Roll aka LUNCH on Long Island
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Bethpage Air Show
View of Manhattan skyline from Marsha P. Johnson State Park
New York City

World-famous museums, shopping, shows and sports dazzle visitors while celebrity restaurants, food courts, trucks, and festivals present delicious diversity. All five boroughs offer thrills, from Broadway to the Brooklyn Bridge to the Bronx Zoo.

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The Statue of Liberty with Ellis Island in the background on a sunny day
A whole pizza pie from Paulie Gee's
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Boldt Castle aerial view of island with fall foliage
Thousand Islands - Seaway

One of America's most majestic settings, with scenic shoreline villages and lighthouses, and eclectic attractions like the Antique Boat Museum, historic Fort Ontario and fairy-tale island castles. Enjoy sandy fresh-water beaches, scenic boat rides, trophy fishing and scuba diving in the crystal clear St. Lawrence River, or sit back and watch the grand oceangoing ships and glorious sunsets on Great Lake Ontario.

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Star-shaped Fort Ontario surrounded by green grass and blue waters from the lake
Red wine in a glass that says
Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Fireworks light up the night sky at Oswego Harborfest
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