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About IES: Scientific Integrity Policy

In order to ensure that Scientific Activities conducted and supported by Department of Education are of the highest quality and integrity, and can be trusted by the public and contribute to sound decision-making, the Department believes that it is vital to maintain a culture of Scientific Integrity. In accordance with the Presidential Memorandum to Heads of the Executive Departments and Agencies (March 9, 2009) on Scientific Integrity and the Office of Science and Technology Policy Memorandum on Scientific Integrity (December, 17, 2010), the Department establishes a policy for assuring the integrity of the Scientific Activities supported by the Institute of Education Sciences and other offices within the Department. All Department employees, including political appointees and contractors, are required to follow this policy when engaging in, supervising, managing, or monitoring Scientific Activities, communicating information about the Department's Scientific Activities, or using data or findings generated through or resulting from Scientific Activities in making Department policy, management, or regulatory decisions.

The Department of Education's Scientific Integrity Official is Dr. Elizabeth Albro ([email protected]) and the Department's Chief Science Officer is Dr. Anne Ricciuti ([email protected] ).

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