Board 30-Day Review/Approval Process
At its November 2004 meeting, the IEEE Board of Directors approved a new process for the approval and review of specific activities in order to allow implementation of changes to operations manuals, by the Major Boards, between regularly scheduled meetings. This process is commonly referred to as the "30-Day Review Process".
The list of operations manual sections and activities, which the IEEE Board of Directors has identified that may follow the 30-day review process, is provided in the items list (PDF, 15 KB). A flow chart (PDF, 25 KB) showing the process is also available.
IEEE Bylaw I-300.4(5)
Following is IEEE Bylaw I-300.4(5) which establishes the process:
"Matters for which the Board of Directors has delegated responsibility to an organizational unit pursuant to these Bylaws shall not be implemented until approval by the governing body of the organizational unit and subsequent review and approval by the Board of Directors. After approval by the governing body of the organizational unit, the matter shall be submitted to appropriate staff, as designated by the IEEE Executive Director, who shall oversee the process for obtaining approval by the Board of Directors, and who shall also review and recommend any related changes to operations manuals or other documents for clarity, completeness, and conformance with the other governing documents of the IEEE. Each such matter shall be distributed to the Board of Directors, but no later than 30 November of each calendar year. If no objections are raised by any of the Directors within 30 days after distribution, the Directors shall be so notified, the matter may be implemented by the applicable organizational unit, and the matter shall be included on the consent agenda of the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
If an objection is raised by one or more Directors during such 30 day period, the matter shall not be implemented and, unless earlier resolved by resubmission of the matter to the Board of Directors in accordance with the foregoing procedure, or withdrawal of the matter, the matter shall be included on the action agenda of the next regular meeting of the Board of Director."
Process for submitting items to Board of Directors
Submissions should be formatted similar to a regular Board Agenda Bylaw or Policy item. Please use the template provided on the IEEE Board web page, and send to the attention of Silvia Lattoz (the designated staff administrator of this process) via email at [email protected].
As with any item to be considered by the Board of Directors, an executive summary containing the following, shall be included:
- What the change will accomplish and the rationale for it
- Pros and cons
- Any background/history
- Information on required endorsements and consent of other organizational units
- Any financial implications related to the implementation the change
Additionally, for those items requesting approval of changes to the text of an Operations Manual, please use the traditional underscore and strikethrough. i.e. Additions and Deletions.
The item will be submitted to the IEEE Governance Committee for their review.
Once the items are finalized they will be distributed to the Board via email and posted on the IEEE Board of Directors Resources. Such notification shall clearly indicate the end of the review period and the procedures for raising questions or objections.
If an objection is raised by any one Director, and it cannot be resolved, the item will be included on the ACTION Agenda of the next Board of Directors meeting and shall not be implemented. Alternatively, when no objection is raised, the item will be included on the CONSENT Agenda of the next Board of Directors meeting, and the revision may be implemented by the submitting Organizational Unit.
With respect to items regarding the appointment of members to committees, because of the nature of these items, they shall not be discussed via email and any objection shall automatically place the item on the ACTION Agenda for discussion at the next Board of Directors meeting.
The Board shall be reminded of items under review at least five days prior to the end of the 30-day period. Once the review period is concluded, the Board, and involved staff shall be notified.
Any questions regarding this process should be directed to Silvia Lattoz, Corporate Governance.
To see the procedures for review of the major board operations manuals not required to follow the procedure contained on this page, visit Procedures for Review and Revisions to IEEE Major Board Operations Manual Review.