Francis Fukuyama
Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama (lahir 27 Oktober 1952) adalah ilmuwan politik, ekonom politik, dan penulis Amerika Serikat. Fukuyama dikenal karena bukunya, The End of History and the Last Man (1992), yang berpendapat bahwa penyebaran demokrasi liberal dan kapitalisme pasar bebas Barat beserta gaya hidupnya ke seluruh dunia dapat menandakan titik akhir evolusi sosial-budaya umat manusia dan menjadi bentuk terakhir dari pemerintahan manusia. Namun demikian, buku selanjutnya yang berjudul Trust: Social Virtues and Creation of Prosperity (1995) menyesuaikan posisi awalnya dan mengakui bahwa kebudayaan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari ekonomi. Fukuyama juga memiliki hubungan dengan bangkitnya gerakan neokonservatif;[2] ia sendiri sudah menjauhkan diri dari gerakan tersebut.[3]
Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama | |
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Lahir | 27 Oktober 1952 Chicago, Illinois, Amerika Serikat |
Institusi | Universitas George Mason[1] Universitas Johns Hopkins Universitas Stanford |
Minat utama | Negara berkembang Pemerintahan Ekonomi politik internasional Pembangunan bangsa dan demokratisasi Isu strategis dan keamanan |
Gagasan penting | Akhir sejarah |
Situs web | |
Fukuyama merupakan anggota senior Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law di Universitas Stanford sejak Juli 2010.[4] Sebelumnya, ia menjabat sebagai dosen dan direktur program pembangunan internasional di the School of Advanced International Studies, Universitas Johns Hopkins. Sebelumnya lagi, ia merupakan dosen kebijakan publik Omer L. dan Nancy Hirst di School of Public Policy, Universitas George Mason.[4]
Ia adalah anggota dewan International Forum for Democratic Studies yang didirikan oleh National Endowment for Democracy dan anggota departemen ilmu politik RAND Corporation.[5]
Kehidupan pribadi
suntingFukuyama adalah fotografer paruh waktu. Ia juga tertarik dengan mebel lama Amerika yang ia buat ulang dengan tangan sendiri.[6] Ia sangat tertarik dengan perekaman dan reproduksi suara; katanya, "akhir-akhir ini saya sering memikirkan peralatan ketika sedang menganalisis politik sehari-hari."[7]
Fukuyama menikah dengan Laura Holmgren. Mereka bertemu saat masih mahasiswa S2 di UCLA setelah Fukuyama mulai bekerja di RAND Corporation.[8][9] Ia mempersembahkan buku Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity kepada istrinya. Mereka tinggal di California bersama ketiga anaknya, Julia, David, dan John.
Lihat pula
suntingPustaka pilihan
sunting- The End of History and the Last Man. Free Press, 1992. ISBN 0-02-910975-2
- Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity. Free Press, 1995. ISBN 0-02-910976-0
- The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order. Free Press, 1999. ISBN 0-684-84530-X
- Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002. ISBN 0-374-23643-7
- State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st century. Cornell University Press, 2004. ISBN 0-8014-4292-3
- America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy (Yale University Press, 2006). ISBN 0-300-11399-4
- After the Neo Cons: Where the Right went Wrong. Profile Books, 2006. ISBN 1-86197-922-3 (N.B. Published in the US as America at the Crossroads see above)
- Falling Behind: Explaining the Development Gap between Latin America and the United States, ed. (Oxford University Press, 2008). ISBN 978-0-19-536882-6
- The Origins of Political Order. Profile Books, 2011. ISBN 978-1-84668-256-8
- Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014. ISBN 978-0-374-22735-7
sunting- The End of History? Diarsipkan 2004-10-18 di Wayback Machine., The National Interest, Summer 1989
- Women and the Evolution of World Politics, Foreign Affairs October 1998
- Immigrants and Family Values, The Immigration Reader 1998. ISBN 1-55786-916-2
- Human Nature and the Reconstruction of Social Order Diarsipkan 2022-09-09 di Wayback Machine., The Atlantic Monthly, May 1999
- Social capital and civil society Diarsipkan 2009-08-31 di Wayback Machine., paper prepared for delivery at the International Monetary Fund Conference on Second Generation Reforms, October 1, 1999
- The neoconservative moment Diarsipkan 2007-06-10 di Wayback Machine., The National Interest, Summer 2004
- After neoconservatism Diarsipkan 2008-12-13 di Wayback Machine., The New York Times Magazine, February 19, 2006
- Supporter's voice now turns on Bush Diarsipkan 2008-04-07 di Wayback Machine., The New York Times Magazine, March 14, 2006
- Why shouldn't I change my mind? Diarsipkan 2010-10-23 di Wayback Machine., Los Angeles Times, April 9, 2006
- The Fall of America, Inc. Diarsipkan 2009-08-14 di Wayback Machine. Newsweek, October 13, 2008
- The New Nationalism and the Strategic Architecture of Northeast Asia Diarsipkan 2011-06-09 di Wayback Machine. Asia Policy January 2007
- Left Out Diarsipkan 2010-12-27 di Wayback Machine., The American Interest, January 2011
- Is China Next? Diarsipkan 2013-10-10 di Wayback Machine., The Wall Street Journal, March 12, 2011
- The Future of History; Can Liberal Democracy Survive the Decline of the Middle Class? Diarsipkan 2015-04-19 di Wayback Machine., Foreign Affairs, January/February 2012
- What is Governance? Diarsipkan 2018-02-11 di Wayback Machine. Governance (journal), March 2013
Lihat pula
sunting- ^ "The Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-09-15. Diakses tanggal 19 August 2013.
- ^ Thies, Clifford (2011-06-24) The End of Hystery? Francis Fukuyama's Review of The Constitution of Liberty Diarsipkan 2014-11-15 di Wayback Machine., Mises Institute
- ^ "Interview with Ex-Neocon Francis Fukuyama: "A Model Democracy Is not Emerging in Iraq"". SPIEGEL ONLINE. March 22, 2006. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-03-04. Diakses tanggal October 14, 2014.
- ^ a b "Francis Fukuyama". Francis Fukuyama. Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-09-15. Diakses tanggal 2015-05-04.
- ^ "Francis Fukuyama — International Forum for Democratic Studies Research Council Member". National Endowment for Democracy. Archived from the original on 2014-07-08. Diakses tanggal 23 November 2014.
- ^ Fukuyama, Francis (2009-06-07). "Making Things Work". The New York Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2023-01-14. Diakses tanggal 2010-05-02.
- ^ Bast, Andrew (April 10, 2011). "The Beginning of History". Newsweek. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-06-24. Diakses tanggal May 5, 2011.
- ^ Wroe, Nicholas (May 11, 2002). "History's pallbearer". The Guardian. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2009-07-30. Diakses tanggal Mar 17, 2011.
- ^ "Francis Fukuyama". The Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. Stanford University. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-09-15. Diakses tanggal March 9, 2011.
Pranala luar
sunting- Francis Fukuyama's blog at The American Interest Diarsipkan 2013-11-17 di Wayback Machine.
- Islam and America... Friends or Foes? Diarsipkan 2008-06-12 di Wayback Machine.
- Kemunculan di C-SPAN
- ANU Public Lecture Series Diarsipkan 2007-10-14 di Wayback Machine. MP3 of a public lecture by Fukuyama titled The Missing Dimension of Stateness delivered at The Australian National University, December 15, 2006
- Francis Fukuyama explains his last book: "The Origins of Political Order" Diarsipkan 2015-06-09 di Wayback Machine.