Are they gone yet?
It was crazy there for a little bit, what with the all the snakes and planes and depalma and tyra and cancer and killer cyborgs and the apocalypse and that one monster spammer and the fever dreams of anonymous that I should be better at what I do, more of what I was, less of who I am.
It was the rise and fall of the Infinite Monkey, loosed from his cage but unmoored from his tethers, a breakaway pop-culture Rose Bowl float cobbled together from poisoned burritos, free sushi, diet coke and used wax icarus wings bought on Ebay Right Now! for $129.99.
(From his unsteady vantagepoint the Monkey sees one writer's strike crushed without mercy but a labor tsunami at Fairfax and Third poised to swamp this town and drown its inhabitants as they cling hopelessly to the small pieces of scrap and wood that we sometimes call DVD residuals.)
The cinema-world evolved as I knew but would not say: the movie I became famous for and did not write was better reviewed and out-earned the movie I spent ten years writing (and wasn't even invited to the premiere.) Or sent a one-sheet. Or a DVD.
A great moment from the L.A. Black Dahlia Press junket, the only junket I was invited to...
ME (wandering the hallways with my pr handler on my way to my ONE press event seeing a headlining actor/ess from the film also wandering the hallway with his/her pr handler: Hey ACTOR/ESS! It's Me! Josh Friedman!
ACTOR/ESS: Right! Of course! What are you DOING here?
ME: Uhhhh. Press.
ACTOR/ESS: Oh. Right! Me, too!
ME: Yeah. I know.
ACTOR/ESS: (Gesturing maniacally towards a bank of elevators) Well...gotta go...they got me running ragged...
ME: (Ambling slowly towards my death) Yeah. Me, too.
(BTW: There were two types of Dahlia reviews: the ones that never mentioned me and the ones that mentioned Brian Helgeland. I preferred the former.)
So Saddam's dead and Michael Bay's alive and the world's a more dangerous place because of it. I haven't slept in three months and I'm living on whatever's inside the tortilla and any drink they refill except water. I found a free Chipotle Buck in my desk last week and made a special trip to the Grove for carnitas with my Ipod and a seven hundred page Alistair Reynolds novel. I wondered if this is how Mark Twain would have written Huckleberry Finn and pretty much decided he would not consider eating the same as writing. He was and is my idol and if you haven't figured it out from the url I named my son after the first truly great character in the first truly great American novel.
But certainly I would trade the inspiration I've received from his work for the reassurance of knowing that if Samuel Langhorne was alive today he'd be just as much of a fat fuckup as I am, writing in the narrow window of time between the hours spent worshiping false internet prophets and the days spent catching up on back episodes of Battlestar Galactica and Dexter.
We can't all be him and frankly, despite what many of you think of my talents, we can't all even be little old motherfucking me. Seriously. I try to be me all the time, the me I love, the inspired me, the clever boy, the cobbler elf for whom time stands still while I polish up the perfect sentence or word. I try to be that me but not too hard because the me I've perfected is too tired, his back hurting from the burden of his belly, his scar extending from the one to the other as if an arrow drawn there by God to remind me of his inescapable laws of causality.
The me I've perfected is the me I hate.
So bitch, complain, criticize, wheedle, want, love, hate, poke, prod and pimp. Just know this:
You'll never be first post.
It was crazy there for a little bit, what with the all the snakes and planes and depalma and tyra and cancer and killer cyborgs and the apocalypse and that one monster spammer and the fever dreams of anonymous that I should be better at what I do, more of what I was, less of who I am.
It was the rise and fall of the Infinite Monkey, loosed from his cage but unmoored from his tethers, a breakaway pop-culture Rose Bowl float cobbled together from poisoned burritos, free sushi, diet coke and used wax icarus wings bought on Ebay Right Now! for $129.99.
(From his unsteady vantagepoint the Monkey sees one writer's strike crushed without mercy but a labor tsunami at Fairfax and Third poised to swamp this town and drown its inhabitants as they cling hopelessly to the small pieces of scrap and wood that we sometimes call DVD residuals.)
The cinema-world evolved as I knew but would not say: the movie I became famous for and did not write was better reviewed and out-earned the movie I spent ten years writing (and wasn't even invited to the premiere.) Or sent a one-sheet. Or a DVD.
A great moment from the L.A. Black Dahlia Press junket, the only junket I was invited to...
ME (wandering the hallways with my pr handler on my way to my ONE press event seeing a headlining actor/ess from the film also wandering the hallway with his/her pr handler: Hey ACTOR/ESS! It's Me! Josh Friedman!
ACTOR/ESS: Right! Of course! What are you DOING here?
ME: Uhhhh. Press.
ACTOR/ESS: Oh. Right! Me, too!
ME: Yeah. I know.
ACTOR/ESS: (Gesturing maniacally towards a bank of elevators) Well...gotta go...they got me running ragged...
ME: (Ambling slowly towards my death) Yeah. Me, too.
(BTW: There were two types of Dahlia reviews: the ones that never mentioned me and the ones that mentioned Brian Helgeland. I preferred the former.)
So Saddam's dead and Michael Bay's alive and the world's a more dangerous place because of it. I haven't slept in three months and I'm living on whatever's inside the tortilla and any drink they refill except water. I found a free Chipotle Buck in my desk last week and made a special trip to the Grove for carnitas with my Ipod and a seven hundred page Alistair Reynolds novel. I wondered if this is how Mark Twain would have written Huckleberry Finn and pretty much decided he would not consider eating the same as writing. He was and is my idol and if you haven't figured it out from the url I named my son after the first truly great character in the first truly great American novel.
But certainly I would trade the inspiration I've received from his work for the reassurance of knowing that if Samuel Langhorne was alive today he'd be just as much of a fat fuckup as I am, writing in the narrow window of time between the hours spent worshiping false internet prophets and the days spent catching up on back episodes of Battlestar Galactica and Dexter.
We can't all be him and frankly, despite what many of you think of my talents, we can't all even be little old motherfucking me. Seriously. I try to be me all the time, the me I love, the inspired me, the clever boy, the cobbler elf for whom time stands still while I polish up the perfect sentence or word. I try to be that me but not too hard because the me I've perfected is too tired, his back hurting from the burden of his belly, his scar extending from the one to the other as if an arrow drawn there by God to remind me of his inescapable laws of causality.
The me I've perfected is the me I hate.
So bitch, complain, criticize, wheedle, want, love, hate, poke, prod and pimp. Just know this:
You'll never be first post.
Good to have you back. I've Missed reading your blog. Now I guess I'll have to get off my lazy keister and see the Black Dahlia.
Good luck in '07, btw.
hah! the pain, the flying spittle, the stomach cramps from laughing - it's been a looong time between drinks. welcome back.
Hang on. Are you telling me that you named your son Huck, Huckleberry, or some derivation thereof? I have been insisting to my wife, my family, my wife's family, and my families' wives that Huckleberry is the single greatest name you could give to a child (Gretzky - for a boy or a girl - is a close second). We're not expecting children or anything, but it can't be too far off, and oh, how I would love to name my child Huckleberry. I get made fun of for this, with people telling me the child would be called Huckleberry Hound or some such nonsense. But Huck is just a kickass name. I just want to let you know that you're my hero.
Josh, you're an arrogant shithead. Have a happy new year.
You're very funny and it's nice that this blog has more lives than William Shatner. Now the real question--how are the Sarah Connor Chronicles coming along?
We named our dog Huckleberry. The greatest name for a Golden Retriever ever.
And, Josh, it is great to have yiou back. Been checking everyday just in the vague hopes that you might post something.
Welcome to '07. Couldn't be rid of '06 fast enough.
At least you've achieved perfection. And some of us admire you for that.
I read somewhere that Twain was a fan of cheap carnitas...
Happy new year to you josh and to the other readers
I'll be your Huckleberry.
Your blog reminds me how bad I want to be a starving, self-tormented artist.
Man I hope that futureman's kid is really shitty at hockey no matter how hard he tries.
Great to have you back, Josh. Look forward to reading your posts.
12th post!
Welcome back, you were sorely missed. :)
Good to have you back. Hope your New Year's resolution is to post more. Cheers!
For what it's worth, Matt Zoller Seitz -- maybe the best of the newest generation of print critics -- put Dahlia at the top of his 10-best list and, yes, mentions the screenwriter:
Missed you, Josh Friedman.
~perfected Sara
Dude. Welcome back. Don't be a stranger.
I have a quiet, bookish friend who wants to name a son Omar after the character in The Wire. "He's everything you'd want your son to be," he says. "Self-reliant, loyal, aggressive."
Glad to see a new post. See you in June, I guess.
Thanks for coming back, Monkey!
Help me Monkey,
I wrote a 16 page outline to my feature script, am on page 90 of the rough draft and now realize page 16 (or half of it I should say) is suppossed to be ACT 3. I f'd myself bigtime when outlining, no doubt in a hurry to get to the draft.
I don't need you to write it for me or even give me encouragement. I just want to know that you've done something as stupid as I've done, if not worse. Right?
Ten years on Dahlia? Geeze, I guess so. You were going to work on it shortly after we met. I thought my six years on Dragonheart was long enough. So I guess I need to catch up and find out what Dahlia life was like after Fincher left.
I left the rat race and am presently doing a translation and very free adaptation of Tartuffe for the theatre. Most fun I've had writing in years.
Happy New Year, Josh! Love to the lovely wife and young'un.
god bless you mister pogue, a finer gentleman I've never met.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh my god. Happy New Year to all of us. Thank you, good man, for this. And Happy New Year to you for it. Like jmw said, see you in June!
Good stuff, glad to get another post out of you. Word to your mutha.
Glad you're okay, and I hope 07 is the best year ever.
Thanks for posting hilarious again. Except I think I hear shivering zombies in my backyard...
I had a dream last night that giant transformers were destroying the world. I watched a friend of mine get grabbed and squished by that one that turns into a cassette. I was scared shitless, and goddamit I blame Michael fucking Bay!!
Glad you're back! Missed your caustic arrogance and jaded wit.
At least you got DePalma after ten years of writing, man!
Good to have you back. Happy new year.
damn hoss, you are one writing son of a bitch. swoop, crackle, everything needed in a rollercoaster ride.
i blame david geffen more than michael bay but that's just the wing of the building i fight in.
Great to see you back online, sir. Hope you and yours had a good new years.
Personally, I loved Dahlia - I've watched my R1 import twice since it arrived at the weekend, and intend to show it to friends, family and anyone who happens to ring my doorbell over the next few weeks. It was a great job all around, and fuck all the critics who leave not a mark behind them on this life.
I wish a good 2007 to you.
Yay! The monkey is back!!!
Bout time!
Welcome back...
I'll just be saying welcome back on your next post a few months from now, anyway. But, love to hear your thoughts / rants.
Quality! not quantity!
A Dahlia review to brighten your day. Or not. Whatever.
What greg said.
Glad you're back, 2007 is already looking up. :)
have a wonderful new year.'s so great to read new words coming fresh off your mind
Oh ~ Were you gone?
Well, WTF, welcome back.
despite a post on the more negative side, you mentioned 3 things that make me smile: BSG, mexican food (the grove's farmer market taco stand is one of the best places to get a taco in LA...believe it or not), and Mark Twain. You're talkin my language- let's keep the posts coming. -MR
ping, josh, and welcome back!
But I'll be the forty-first. You can't take that from me.
glad you are back. hope 2007 is a great year (and there is no freaking strike).
Dear son,
I am very grateful that my grandson's name is now out of the closet and not by my spilling it. You and my wonderful daughter-in-law have every right to connect and identify him with one of the greatest in American literature. He (my grandson, not Twain) is one of the greatest gifts to me and his spirit is a blessing to all who come in contact with him. All grandfathers have license to feel that way; but, with Huckleberry, it is actually true.
I cannot wait until Huckleberry, Huck, Huckel, Huckelduck, the Huckster, Huckledoo, Hucklebee, the Huckmeister, et al. can provide you with as much joy, pride and gut-wrenching testing as you have provided to me. Ahh, the circle of life is a wonderful, dizzying thing to see, no matter from what point on the circumference one starts.
Oddly enough, I am actually heartened by the somewhat depressing tone of the final paragraphs of your posting --- your wistful hope that Mark Twain and you could, in some way, be related suggests you still aspire to greatness. Thankfully, there is plenty of time (albeit diminishing) for you to write great poetry. The Huckster will not be the worse off for it.
In the meantime, even though you are busy with Sarah Connor, you should still find time to call your mother. I will listen in.
Your Father
Of COURSE your son's name is Huck, why didn't I figure that out before? In some parallel universe you and I were actually meant to have a child together. (No I'm not crazy.....just dramatic)
My unborn son's name is Huck. I just have to get pregnant somehow first.
So glad to see you back on "Lack" I have been clicking despondently on this link for months.
5 months is a long time to wait..........
I hold out for 44th place...doh!!! 45. Damn it to Hell. Why can't I make 44th place? Hey, lookit this. Haw haw haw.
Whatever you are, whatever you show us is beautiful.
Glad you're back.
It's great to have you back! Now could you please set up a feed or something for your blog (don't know the right technical term) so people can subscribe and be alerted when there's a new post... instead of the daily disappointment of no new post... we could go off and have lives and just have a pleasant surprise every five months or so.
Welcome back. And, a belated happy new year.
A watched Josh never boils. Glad I checked in on your blog... Don't worry, it has a permanent place in my favourites and every now and then I get these little surprises.
I'm even worse than you when it comes to updating my blog... But you give me hope that it's never too late to swoop in and post for the first time in ages.
Difference is, of course, that people actually want to read your stuff!
Yay. I'm number 50!
seriously, as brilliant as your post is (and boy is it) your dad just wins with his comment.
futureman - Wouldn't you name your child huckleberry if you were Mark Twain?
Wow, you really have a excellent blog here. I'll be back to visit again.
For the most funny videos on the web please visit my blog!
Happy double oooh seven to you, and all your visitors.
Glad you're back. Let's swap stories on Ellroy encounters.
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Wow, I am glad to have discovered this blog! Great reading. Glad things are okay.
In hoc,
I checked for an update on a whim. It was like finding a $20 in the bottom of the washer.
I missed you...sounds like you are in a little self pitying slump right now...but anyways glad to have you back...
I think it's time for you to embrace the dark side and work in the medium in which the writer--both in terms of creative control and money--is the absolute king: television.
No, but I'll be the 59th fucking post.
Anonymous, do your research!
I missed you.
Hey i'm an extra on the TV series that you're writing for "the sarah connor chronicles" and i personally (from reading your blog) think you're a goddamn genius! keep honing your skills and i'm sure you'll get the work you want and soon all these entertainment business fuckers will be eating out the palm of your hand brother!! keep fightin!!
or the last.. welcome back..
you make me feel better.
"Are they gone yet?"
we could go off and have lives and just have a pleasant surprise every five months or so.
True, but that would spoil all the fun for Josh. ;)
Glad that you came out of the hole where you hid Josh. Good to know that there'll be at least one post here until June 1st.
Oh, and I apologize for not watching the Black Dahlia.
Do you ever think of turning your back on Hollywood? Or at least taking a vacation from it? Can independent and/or low-budget filmmaking really bring you happiness? Can Hollywood?
"...And it seemed real. It seemed like us. And it seemed like well... our home... If not Arizona, then a land, not too far away, where all parents are strong and wise and capable, and all children are happy and beloved... I dunno, maybe it was Utah."
It's not like I'm the Utah Film Commission or anything, but California seems to be stomping your nuts.
I don't know if you know this or not, but the corn salsa is magic with the carnitas.
MMmmmmmmmm. Chipotle.
gadzooks! how do you get so many comments? Your comment/post ration is phenomena!
Saw Black Dahlia on DVD this weekend. Excellent movie!! I loved the triangular relationship and how it was done without resorting to cliches. Summer Glau was supposed to attend some convention here in Baltimore MD but she is off filming a new TV series about The Terminator, Sarah Connor and All That Coming Apocalyptic Jazz. There was BIG BUZZ about it at the con so you best writin' reel gud stuff now fer it!!!
At least you perfected imperfection.
At least you perfected imperfection, Josh.
Welcome back anyway.
Omg, someone just aped me...with a second! Is that spooky or what?
Josh, what did you lace this blog with???
tapas, try tapas, so much better than mexican food.
Call your pops so he can listen in, he's so cute!
Try viagra.
Josh, if you do some exercise and lose some weight, maybe you'll be able to ge it up.
This ain't no blog; it's some kinda punchline. And the setup goes somethin' like this: "How lazy is this Jew?" Get off your fat ass and write somethin'.
Get something up here.
Did you notice the good folks over at ARTFUL WRITER no longer post a link to your blog? What gives man? WAR!
Hey guys, I think I've found that damned infernal monkey:,1,4017600.story?coll=la-headlines-business-enter
It seems he's a staff writer for the LA Times now. Way to pay your bills, monkey man! Hope they're treating you well.
Ok, so I guess we can look forward to a new post by this mothereffer any year now...
hi, I`m from Germany and I wonder me what you about telling?
It is useful? maybe!
see you torsten
Hotel Rothenburger Hof Dresden
intesresting blog.
lazy bitch
Follow the money, or.......
Ask him yourself:
[email protected]
1. I enjoyed Dahlia.
2. I love Chipotle.
3. You rock.
The End
So. The wait. Is this like the end of Secretary and we're Maggie Gyllenhaal?
Dear son,
I am leaving this note for you on your blog, knowing there is not the slightest chance of you reading it. But, writing this has more chance of reaching you than putting a note in a bottle and throwing it into the Pacific. So, if you read this, call Mom.
You have certainly dropped off the radar screen (although I did not check under the tables at your favorite sushi restaraunt). At first, I had heard you were seeing another woman named Sarah. Mom explained that Sarah is the main character in your Terminator television effort; so I guess your spending all of your time and energy with her trying to make a living is an acceptable alternative to giving it up here.
Well, we plan to be In Los Angeles in a couple of weeks to see our daughter-in-law and take the Huckster to the zoo. I hope you will join us; if not, one less monkey, but we will miss you.
Your Father
You know, it's a funny thing and it may not be useful at all seeing how only some of us know Josh...but it's a funny thing. He is oft times funny, but only sometimes useful.
See, I told you.
Maybe Josh's father should continue the blog, his posts are not bad.
He´s dead, Jim.
Isn't amazing that people are still blogging here in the vain hope he's ever coming back.
friedman you're a masochist.
I think the word you're looking for is sadist.
Have you thought of writing a screen play of the book "The Father of Hollywood"? I think the book would make a great movie. You can reach me at [email protected].
Hey Josh,Glad you back.I'm fond of Alistair Reynolds novels,its seems you too..
Breakdown Insurance
Where the hell IS josh? We must be a bunch of nuts awaiting the Great One's arrival! I mean, it's not exactly like the second coming...if there will ever such a thing, that is.
Thank you for posting in your blog man! Always worth the wait!
happy dance to have something new from you. =)
Josh? Do you read me? COME BACK!!!
I was compelled to google you after you emailed me about LOTTERY...
Let me say I think that "Father of Hollywood" post about five up from this one is hilarious. Also, Josh, come back!
I guess this fool is dead.
Damn! What's his tombstone read or were his ashes smoked by some damned deviate? That might be the way for Josh to go. Maybe abit far out but not like that guy from Star Trek and not nearly as dramatic. I hope his last wishes were totally original. Beam us up, Josh!
This blog rocks! Especially because I can use some HTML tags. Sweet.
Come back, Josh. I miss your inspiration.
Don't let the assholes and sycophants (like me) have the last word.
If anyone has to leave a last word...please let it be someone selling penis enlargement cream. That'd crack me the hell up
funny damn funny
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Looks like the evil monkeys have defeated him.
hey josh
your posts were good when you wrote them but please take this site down if you're never gonna post again!
what a drag! sheesh!
At least you show up at other places.
Why did you stop writing your blog?
saw the sarah conner chronicles at comic con.
Are all the episodes going to be the exact same thing -
settling into obscure area.
terminator comes
repeat to 1
Sarah Connor Chronicals are the real thing. You did an excellent job.
I like that kind of hard core entertainment and your writing was great. I hope nobody ever shits on you again, and that you rule the world for while.
I'll be considering this show specable, and can't wait until the fall to find out how it goes.
I also love your blog writing.
Good luck
Are people still reading this/waiting for him to come back? I know I am.
You know, I'm starting to think Josh might not be coming back...
Quote: Are people still reading this/waiting for him to come back? I know I am.
Me too. This blog introduced me to the world of blogs. I love it.
"He's dead, Jim"
Basic Star Trekian talk, but somehow after a mere 10 months, it almost seems appropriate.
funny post, i enjoy your blog
I think they're gone now.
the sociopath we all want to...umm...mother.
(what? so i comment on the profile stuff. i also answer rhetorical questions)
come blog, be part of the collective "i was here"
Come back fucker! Spit some digital cracks, and help spread joy to the cake eaters. If you don't come back I'm gonna jump off the golden gate. Maybe I already have and i'm writing to you from beyond the grave. Yes, we read blogs down here too. Believe me you could earn some well needed points with the big D.
Any thoughts on the strike, quiet one?
You know, I understood less than half of that. Still thought it was cool to see how Google maps is put together. We use it all the time now, instead of Yahoo, when we have some driving to do.
You know, I understood less than half of that. Still thought it was cool to see how Google maps is put together.
You know, I understood less than half of that.
wicked wicked job with terminator! 2nd season has been scary, exciting, funny, bittersweet and better than 99% of the shows on telly atm. No arse kissing, just really impressed with what i've seen.
Thanks for all the great work on TSCC! Now Fox has only one other show that I will watch, Fringe. It doesn't rank anywhere near the quality of your show. My hopes are another network might see the potential in TSCC. Your ratings were great until Fox started jacking around with days & timeslots.
Hi Josh,
The odds are this blog is floating in cyber space like space junk orbiting the earth. But I am going to take a chance and write anyway.
Your show is one of the best out there. The viewer had to pay attention to the storyline. There are few shows on the tube today that manage to do that.
Fans of the show are supporting TSCC Season 3 on SYFY Channel or CW. Rallies are held on the WB forum on Thursdays, and the SCIFI forums on Fridays. Will it do any good? Fans are buying the DVD'S of season 1&2 as fast as they can.
Come join us on the forums, we are behind you...No Fate!
For Comic-Con 09, I am giving away (free) Terminator: Save Sarah Connor Stickers:
Good to have you back. I've Missed reading your blog.
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