In this section you will find information on accessing the training material for Activated NetID and Non-Activated NetID users.
The HIPAA Privacy and Security courses have been renamed. The initial course is now “Foundational HIPAA Privacy and Security Training” and the Yale University HIPAA Security Attestation is now “Annual HIPAA Security Attestation and HIPAA Refresher.” The content and requirements have not been changed.
Activated NetID Users
The HIPAA Privacy and Security courses have been combined to create a single integrated course that will meet training requirements for both Privacy and Security. All users complete a core curriculum which includes basic privacy and security information prior to completing the role specific content.
Role-specific options include training for clinicians, researchers, administrators and a general overview course. Following review of the training materials, users are required to complete a quiz in order to meet the training requirement. Select the appropriate course with role-specific content below.
- Clinician’s Foundational HIPAA Privacy and Security Training
- Researcher’s Foundational HIPAA Privacy and Security Training
- Administrator’s Foundational HIPAA Privacy and Security Training
- Foundational HIPAA Privacy and Security Basic Training
Non-Activated NetID users
Privacy and Security Training Materials
You must read and sign the signature page indicating your understanding of the material.
- Clinician’s Guide to HIPAA Privacy and Security
- Privacy and Security Training for Temporary Non-Research Staff
- Researchers’ Guide to HIPAA Privacy and Security
Note: if both boxes pertaining to HIPAA Security (ePHI, computing, communication and use of email address) cannot be checked then the NetID must be activated and the user must take the online HIPAA Privacy and Security Training
Additional information can be found in Training FAQ.