1��¡� dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

Last year on this day, I entered the Chernobyl exclusion zone with a media pass. I filmed over 4 hours of high definition footage using a cinema camera. I uploaded a temporary video of shots while I edit a final piece. The video below is rather eerie, but conveys a realistic depiction of what you'll find within the zone today.




2��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��


if anyone is interested, I also created a gallery of Chernobyl Cinemagraphs that you'll find interesting:

3��¡�101Radec ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

What was the most unsettling thing you saw or felt?
4��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��


the constant sound of dripping water got to me. It's so silent and then there's the dripping.

5��¡�Griffolion ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

Plot twist: there is no dripping water...

6��¡�stelarchunk ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

What was one thing you weren't allowed to do that you really wanted to?

7��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��



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There is a grim place in Chernobyl that you can google and watch a video about. I could be wrong with the tilte but I'm quite sure it's called the "room of the first 14". This room refers to a place deep in a forgotten basement within Pripyat where the first 14 firefighters were placed. The first 14 fire fighters went into the reactor to try and cool it down with fire hoses. They were unprotected and died within the hour. Their uniforms and supposably their remains were so terribly irradiated that they couldn't be handled nor removed from the premises. As such, they were taken to a basement and laid to rest. Some private tour operators will take you there and some won't. I simply wanted to know which building it was and see the inscription on the door that leads down to them. My guide didn't feel safe going to that building for "supernatural" reasons. I can't really argue with that.

8��¡�seis_cuerdas ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

What types of safety precautions were necessary in order to film there?

9��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��


here are few rules for what i did. I required a permit for entry, permit for a prolonged stay, a tour operator had to sign for me, a bribe to authorities and the agreement that if my film gear showed hogh levels of radiation at ext, I would surrender it without question.


wow. were you actually prepared to give up your camera or did you know it was a non-issue?

11��¡�emmub ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��



Did you encounter any people or animals while in there? Did you go by yourself? Did you see any visible evidence of contamination by radiation (eg. the glowing forest or weird mutations in plants etc.)?

12��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��


¼�����돪�����������²��ď�ď�����«���������������叢����ď�������ď��������̡ޏ��½»µ���²��������ҏ�������������������������������¡񏪳��䏢ď�������ď��������̏��½�����á���������Ï�����������������¼«����̏����ď�����������²���������»������������������������������³�����������������������������������������я�������¡�ď�ԏ����������ď��������������������ޏ�������¡�²��ď�ď�����«���«���«���ޏ����ď�������¡� �����������ď��½���³������²���\���·������������⏢돩Ώ��·������������������²���³���¼��ԏ����������я��«��������������������¡񏪲���������������¼«���³���������Ð���¹������������¼��������Џ����¡ޏ������������ҏ���������㏢���������ď�¡�����������¹������»�����㏢��������¼��������Џ��̏�������\��\���\��������������������������«���������������·��¡񏪳����������������·½������������·�����������ď�������¡�


I saw three other tourists the day I was there. There are actually elderly permanent residents who were given permission to live out the rest of their lives in their old home if they chose to do so and waived their rights. There are few of them, but they can be found. There are also scientific staff who live there for months at a time and study the effects of radiation on wildlife. They are not near the highly radioactive areas and take all proper precautions when conducting research. I was there with my wife who acts as my video host/subject and a former resident of the Soviet Union. The evidence of contamination is obvious. One thing in particular is an area of the forest. When the wind blew radioactive rain cloud North East, it moved over a very particular section of forest. That forest has a very visible section of now blackened and sick trees.

13��¡�livey25 ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

Did you find anything beautiful there?

14��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��


I'm trying to think of a good rationale for you because the answer is yes. Similar to Angkor Wat in Cambodia where the Jungle has taken the city back, the forest has taken back Chernobyl. You'd be mesmerized by the way roots and trees have popped up in old government offices, ripped through a downed helicopter and even pushed a building up into the air a couple feet. It's an urban "coral reef". You'll see the unexpected mix of scrap metal decorated with flowers and concrete with leaves :)

15��¡�hardyhaha_09 ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

50,000 people used to live here. Now its a ghost town...

16��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

I went there in part because I was fascinated with COD's attention to detail


17��¡�DIXXENORMOUS ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

Is there a population of mutated humans living within Chernobyl secretly being maintained by the local militia?

18��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

At first I was going to say no, but I turned to my wife and she just nodded at me... soooo...

19��¡�TK-Chubs118 ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

I have always wondered what It would feel like to have a city to yourself, how far into the rad zone did you go, did you make it to ground zero? if so I would imagine you having to be in some pretty heavy gear

20��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��



I once watched a docu where a BBC reporter entered the reactor. He died later of unrelated causes. He wore nothing but his suit. I have to assume it would be devastating to enter without protection. I dawned a radiation suit for certain areas and surrendered the clothes I wore that day including my shoes. My shoes showed very harmful levels of radiation as I had stepped in radioactive puddles to get the shots I needed. My health was not affected to my knowledge.

21��¡�Swagcaptain412 ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

Did you see any animals while in the exclusion zone? And if so, did they have any visible mutations?

22��¡�Swagcaptain412 ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

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Ok, really interesting one here. At least when I was there, we didn't see ANY animals. No small rodents, not one. We did hear the faint sound of birds chirping. BUT, when we were leaving, just along the city border (still well within the exclusion zone) we saw wild horses running a group in a field. I almost forgot how that felt. That was a good moment. That made it less depressing.

23��¡�gruesomecrouton ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

Did you see any ghouls?

24��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��


I still stare at my footage, unedited and raw... I look closely at abandoned apartments that my lens saw but my eyes didn't those 2 days. In one clip, I swear I can see a figure in one of the windows of a high rise. It might be another tourist, but my guide said nobody can get to that building. it could be a scientist researching... or maybe... just maybe... something else.

25��¡�angeltre ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

While there was there places you were specificly told you couldn't go/film? If so were you given a reason why.

26��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

officially you are not allowed to enter any buildings. However, most tour operators will allow access if you provide a tip. I have to warn that the buildings are unsafe. While there, a roof collapsed in the distance on a 1-story structure. Nobody was inside. Also, any areas with puddles of water or high quantities of metal should be avoided as those two mentioned tend to show extremely high levels of radiation.

27��¡�freakame ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

Have you been to many other abandoned sites to film?

28��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

We've filmed in interesting locations over the last 2 years... Everest, German Concentration camps, and a ghost town or two. We're going to focus our future travel episodes on abandoned places rest assured.


Have you seen any of the fictional depictions of Chernobyl ("S.T.A.L.K.E.R.," "Chernobyl Diaries")? What do you think of them?


30��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

I've seen all of them I think :) I'm actually a pretty big fan of horror and sci-fi so I welcome those films. Ok fine, Chernobyl Diaries was weak but wherever they filmed it sure did look like the real thing. There's no way they could've got permits to film in the exclusion zone though.

31��¡�moralesnery ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

What did you feel when you were there? Do that place "say" something?

32��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��


That's an interesting question... I was there with my wife at my side who was born in the Soviet Union. Though I was excited to be there for what I'll call "the adventure and rush", she couldn't help but remember the uncertainty and fear she felt the day it happened. I had to withhold some of my intrigue as not to offend her nor others that were present that day.

33��¡�TK-Chubs118 ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

Did you feel a sense of unease knowing what chaos ensued there in those buildings?

34��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��


of course. We entered several of the 50,000 - 60,000 apartments and homes that were vacated in an instant and were returned to. People's lives as they were living them the evening before are left untouched. However, many but not all homes have been looted.

35��¡�giaquintor ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

I've always wanted to go to to Chernobyl thanks to COD. What was the most surreal moment when filming?

36��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

The public pool facilities. You've seen it in games a million times. Once you get there and stand there, it takes you. You can imagine it stripped of all its mold and dirt and imagine it in brand new and in use.


37��¡�RookieAR15 ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

What kind of equipment did you use?

38��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��
Canon c300��¡�Canon 24-70 f/4 IS ��¡�Canon 50mm f1.2��¡� Tokina 11-16 f/2.8��¡� senheiiser mke600 XLR \���\���\���\���\���\���\��я�¡� 7\���\���\��� \���\���¼\���\��� \���\���\��ď��¼��¡� Kessler \¹\���\���\¹ \¹\���\���\������¼ (\���\������¼) ��¡�\¹\���\���\��\«\��� \���\��������������������������������������«

I used: Canon c300 Canon 24-70 f/4 IS Canon 50mm f1.2 Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 senheiiser mke600 XLR microphone 7" field monitor Kessler stealth slider (dolly) steadicam mini and some more stuff :)

39��¡�TrucksNShit ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

Do you glow in the dark??!!

40��¡�dmitry_malikov ��¡�2014/05/01���������⏢��

lil' bit.


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