Not sure why Matt Damon didn’t just get some films from this Blockbuster Video to pass the time tbh. matt damon the martian ridley scott martian mars nasa high street shops blockbuster blockbuster video video vhs high street high street shops in sci-fi films sci fi
I can’t be the only one who doesn’t remember this Tandy being in The Matrix. tandy high street high street shops sci-fi films sci fi the matrix keanu reeves neo matrix matrix revolutions glitch in the matrix
Found the hidden Sainsbury’s in They Live! I knew it! sainsburys supermarket high street shop high street shops sci-fi they live rowdy roddy piper john carpenter chew bubblegum kick ass all out of bubblegum
Right, enough’s enough - there’s a B&Q in 2001: A Space Odyssey?! 2001: a space odyssey 2001 arthur c clarke stanley kubrick high street shops b&q b and q diy sci-fi
“Listen,” said your da, “Swear to god Mega City One has a Dixons.” dredd dixons judge dredd 2000ad 2000 a.d. john wagner karl urban electrical shop high street shops sci-fi
My pal told me you could catch a glimpse of a Nisa Local in Predator. nisa local predator arnold schwarzenegger greengrocer corner shop high street shop sci-fi 1987 arnie
There’s a Cash Converters in Hill Valley 2015 - the most accurate prediction from Back To The Future Part II. bttf back to the future back to the future 2 back to the future part 2 back to the future part ii doc brown doctor emmet brown marty mcfly michael j fox christopher lloyd hill valley griff biff tannen 2015 october 21st 2015 high street shops cash converters
My dad says if you look really closely you can see a big Lidl in Ghostbusters. lidl ghostbusters new york city nyc manhattan saving the day marshmallow man stay puft sci-fi high street shops lidl supermarket bill murray usa
Not sure how I’ve never spotted this Debenhams in Moon before. moon moon 2009 sam rockwell duncan jones sci-fi moon movie the moon sci fi high street shop debenhams department store
Your uncle wasn’t lying, there IS a Betfred in The Thing! betfred the thing kurt russell john carpenter high street shop sci-fi movie john carpenter's the thing 1982 sci-fi horror