�l���̖ړI�n�iDestination of life�j - �l�������ɐ����邽�߂̃q���g�ƂȂ�悤�Ȃ��Ƃ������Ă��܂��B�iI write things that will give you hints on how to live your life well.�j - �l�������ɐ����邽�߂ɁiTo live a good life�j">


�l���̖ړI�n�iDestination of life�j


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If you have a destination in life, you will develop an attitude of "this is how I should live." If you live seriously, well, responsibly, nobly, dignifiedly, and with all your might, you will be praised and go to heaven. That is the path you should aim for as a human being. Living otherwise is sinful, and bad things will happen to you, you will become unhappy, and you will go to hell. Destination-oriented living is about seriously believing such things. It always makes you dependent on the future. When you become future-oriented, you forget about the "now." And so, in order to reach your destination and avoid failure, seriousness, tension, and fear arise. You start to think that maybe you're not doing well, that your life is wrong, that you're inferior to others, and comparisons arise, jealousy arises, and competition begins. In the first place, there is no such destination in life. Life is not a means to an end, but the act of living itself is the end. Therefore, there is no way to miss it, and failure is impossible. There is no life of failure or success. Whatever your life looks like right now, that's okay. It's perfect. It always has been perfect and it always will be perfect. We are perfect here and now, but without realizing it, what were we trying to achieve? Who were we trying to become? There are no challenges in life to overcome...



