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As the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world, NIH supports a variety of programs from grants and contracts to loan repayment. Learn about assistance programs, how to identify a potential funding organization, and past NIH funding.
Take time to learn about each step in the grants process from planning to apply through developing and submitting your application to award and post-award reporting.
By accepting a grant award, recipients agree to comply with the requirements in the NIH Grants Policy Statement unless the notice of award states otherwise.
Get the "scoop" on the latest news related to the NIH grant application and award processes, grants policy, research funding and biomedical workforce analyses, and more.
Office of Extramural Research (OER) provides the corporate framework for NIH research administration, ensuring scientific integrity, public accountability, and effective stewardship of the NIH extramural research portfolio.
var allTags = ["terms","offices"];
const generateGlossary = (glossary) => {
// Since more arrays are merged, sorting can only be done client-side
// otherwise it could done trough REST API (server processing is soooo much faster!)
// Time complexity of sorting is O(n log n) - but it slightly differs across browsers
// @see:
// Sorting needs to be done case-insensitive
// @see:
glossary.sort((a,b) => a.term.localeCompare(b.term, 'en', {'sensitivity': 'base'}) )
// Build filter buttons
var tgtTagFilter = document.querySelector("#glossary-filter");
allTags.forEach(tag => {
tgtTagFilter.innerHTML += `
// Add content
var tgtContent = document.querySelector("#glossary-content");
var anchorLetter = undefined;
glossary.forEach(entry => {
let firstChar = entry.term.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
if(firstChar !== anchorLetter){
anchorLetter = firstChar;
tgtContent.innerHTML += `
// Add event listeners to filters
tgtTagFilter.querySelectorAll("input").forEach(filterBtn => {
// Now display everything
// Allow filtering
function filterGlossary(){
var activeTags = [...tgtTagFilter.querySelectorAll("input:checked + span")].map(span => span.innerText);
tgtContent.querySelectorAll("[data-tags]").forEach(entry => {
if(activeTags.some(tag => entry.dataset.tags.includes(tag))){
// Regenerate Anchors (override NIHOD5 drupal behavior)
tgtContent.querySelectorAll("h5").forEach((anchorElement) => {
let innerText = anchorElement.innerText;
let anchor = innerText.replace(/\s+/g, '');
anchorElement.setAttribute("id", anchor)
anchorElement.innerHTML += `#`;
// Hijack Broswer scroll in favor of JS scroll (needed because glossary needs to load first)
setTimeout(() => {
let tgt = window.location.hash.substring(1);
document.getElementById(tgt).scrollIntoView({ behavior: "instant", block: "start" });
// Auto-filter if url contains query params
setTimeout(() => {
let params = new URLSearchParams(;
let tags = params.get('tags');
document.querySelector("#glossary-filter").querySelectorAll("input").forEach(tag =>;
tags.split(",").forEach(tag => document.querySelector(`#glossary-filter [value="${tag}"]`).click());
var data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('glossary_all'));
// Check for glossary data in the localStorage
// this will prevent multiple refetches per user - greatly reducing API load
if (!data){
// Get Terms
// !!!! (use below endpoint when glossary API app is made public) !!!!
//let terms = fetch(",definition,destination&filter[status][_eq]=published&limit=-1")
let terms = fetch("/__extra/data-glossary/terms.json")
.then(r => r.json())
.then(d => {
// We need to filter by the destination field so that entries only display for this domain.
// Note: filtering a JSON stored value through the API request is not possible atm
// @see:
// @see:
// Delete this step when above functionality becomes available
// as data processing at a server level is SO much faster!
var host =;
return => {
// Add syntetic tag for all entries
entry["tags"] = ["terms"];
if(["all",host].some(v => entry.destination.includes(v))) return entry;
// Get Acronyms
// !!!! (use below endpoint when glossary API app is made public) !!!!
//let acronyms = fetch(",definition,tags&limit=-1")
/*let acronyms = fetch("/__extra/data-glossary/acronyms.json")
.then(r => r.json())
.then(d => { => {
// Add synthetic tag for all entries
// Check the tags field and extract unique ones
if(entry.tags.length) entry.tags.forEach(tag => { if(!allTags.includes(tag)) allTags.push(tag) });
return entry;
// Get Offices
// !!!! (use below endpoint when glossary API app is made public) !!!!
//let offices = fetch(",definition,org_code,url,tags&limit=-1")
let offices = fetch("/__extra/data-glossary/offices.json")
.then(r => r.json())
.then(d => { => {
// Add syntetic tag for all entries
// Check the tags field and extract unique ones
if(entry.tags.length) entry.tags.forEach(tag => { if(!allTags.includes(tag)) allTags.push(tag) })
// Do beatiful things with the data
Promise.all([terms, offices]).then(values => {
let data = values.flat();
localStorage.setItem('glossary_all', JSON.stringify(data));
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('glossary_all'));
This page last updated on: July 10, 2024
For technical issues E-mail OER Webmaster