New items in the Shop

vintage Argentina poster via #grainedit

New items in the shop including these vintage educational posters from Argentina.


From the Grain Edit Shop

Moderne Werbe und Gebrauchs Grafik via #graineditshop

Moderne Werbe und Gebrauchs Grafik by Hans Neuburg

For those of you that missed the preview, the shop is now live and open to the public.  Here’s a few of the items you’ll find inside.


Grain Edit Shop

grain edit shop

Next week we will be launching an online shop for the holidays.  To access the preview sale  you will need a code which will be sent via email prior to the event.  If you would like to receive an invite code, email us with your details. Please include “grain edit store” in the subject line of the message and your email address in the body.




Thanks & We’ll Be Back Soon

swiss design
I hope everyone had a safe and joyous New Years. We’re taking a short vacation and will return next week.

Thanks to everyone who took part in our annual Holiday Giveaway Bash! The winners were announced via our twitter stream and facebook page last week.

Grain Edit & Varoom!

grain edit

Huge thanks to John O’Reilly and the rest of the crew at Varoom! magazine for featuring us in their latest issue. The 14-page article titled “The Outsiders” profiles Grain Edit, Unit Editions, John Ptak and showcases our fascination with analyzing, preserving and distributing archival imagery. In addition, each of us shared works that have shaped our curatorial views on design. Varoom! #15 is available in select shops in Europe as well as the U.S. Copies can be purchased online here.


Introducing Liz Meyer

Liz Meyer

As you may have noticed, a new name has been covering all things typography related on Grain Edit. The name’s Liz Meyer, and it should ring a bell. Liz is a talented designer and illustrator based in Brooklyn, one half of Script & Seal, and the newest addition to our Grain Edit crew.

There’s more to Liz than just her love for Thanksgiving, as evidenced by the photo above. To give you a better feel for our East Coast correspondent, we’ve conducted a little interview with her that you’re sure to enjoy! Without further a do, please welcome Liz…


We Have Our Winners

Thanks to everyone who took part in the Grain Edit Holiday Giveaway Bash! It was great to see all your comments. We randomly selected our winners this weekend.

Our winners will be listed at the bottom of the Grain Edit Email Update and Grain Edit RSS Feed.  For those of you who subscribe to the email updates, the email should arrive tomorrow morning.

The winners were also announced via our twitter stream and facebook page earlier today.


Special thanks goes out to:

Poster Cabaret, YouWorkForThem, Chronicle Books, Soundscreen Design, Script & Seal, Rilla Alexander, Josh Brill/ LumadessaNo Brow Magazine, Blanca Gomez, Friends of Type, Ty Wilkins, Ingela P Arrhenius, Silnt, Dan Stiles, Jessica Hische, Scotty Reifsynder, enormouschampion, Marcus Walters, Invisible Creature, The Tree House Press, Jolby, Greg Pizzoli, Jason Munn, Brent Couchman, Paul Tebbott, Luke Bott, Esther Arts, and Dan Matutina.

Please take time to visit their sites.


New Items in the Grain Edit Shop

design coordination corporate image FHK henrion

Design Coordination and Corporate Image by FHK Henrion

New items have been added to the vintage kid’s books and graphic design sections of the grain edit shop.


Limited Edition Grain Edit T-Shirt Now Available

grain edit t shirt

Grain Edition #01 – Limited Edition Grain Edit T-Shirt designed by Invisible Creature

We are excited to announce the Limited Edition Galaxy Blue Grain Edit T-Shirt is now available. The shirt was designed by Seattle’s own Invisible Creature. We love the design and hope you do too! The 5 color t-shirt features a gaggle of cool creatures sitting down for story time (my favorite is the little guy with the red and blue eyes). Each shirt is lovingly screen-printed by the guys and gals over at Blue Collar Press right here in the good ole USA.

You can order the Limited Edition Galaxy Blue Grain Edit Shirt here.

grain edit t shirt

For More Details:


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