Prompted by an off-hand remark during an IRC conversation about how many women were mentoring for the Google Highly Open Participation Contest, we decided it would be great to chat with several of our women mentors and find out more about how GHOP is going for their communities. During our latest podcast, you'll hear from:
- Noirin Plunkett from the Apache Software Foundation
- Addison Berry and Angela Byron from Drupal
- Amy Stephen and Elin Waring from Joomla!
Many thanks to Addison, Amy, Angela, Elin and Noirin for joining us.
You can download the podcast in mp3 or ogg formats. Alternatively, you can subscribe to it.
We always love to hear from you, so if you have thoughts on the podcast or tips for helping communities be most welcoming to female contributors, post a comment and share your thoughts with us.