Hello there! Vishal here. ✌️
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Hello there! Vishal here. ✌️
Thanks for hopping onto my GitHUB Profile. ✌️
CFD-DEM coupled simulations of Spherical-shaped particles in a Spouted Bed Dryer using OpenFOAM-5.x and LIGGGHTS.
This repository consists of MATLAB codes for CFD computations and simulations.
In-silico simulations to study the effects of ankle-joint misalignments in Ankle-Foot-Orthoses during level walking (Journal Publication).
Partially Averaged Navier Stokes (PANS) Model Simulations for turbulent flows and effective comparison against Large Eddy Simulations (LES) for PitzDaily case on OpenFOAM-5.x.
A two-dimensional model to simulate the effects of ankle joint misalignments in ankle-foot orthoses (AFO) (Journal Publication).