Blender 2.80 add-on for animations collection browser for X-Ray/Stalker engine .skls files. To use Blender 2.79 just clone/download "blender2.79" branch.
Install blender-xray add-on to import .object file with X-Ray armature bones. You can import .object file by click the Import object file... button on panel Skls file browser:
Press Open .skls file button on the panel Skls file browser:
Select .skls file:
This kind of files may contains thousands animations. So opening may take tens seconds. Upon opening completion an animations list will fills with animations names.
Select animation in the animations list on the panel Skls file browser:
Use Timeline to examine and Dope Sheet to edit the animation with power of Blender.
X-Ray engine store the meshes and armature with .ogf files. This files needs to convert to .object files by converter.exe (be attention to X-Ray version). Usually the source files is packed into a group of files with names pattern: gamedata.db*. To unpack use converter.exe.
hunter_1.object file is from Shadow Of Chernobyl with Goldsphere Ending global add-on: gamedata/meshes/actors/hunter_1.ogf.
stalker_animation.skls file: gamedata/meshes/actors/stalker_animation.omf.
Thanks to X-Ray/Stalker engine developers.
Thanks to Vakhurin Sergey (igel), Pavel_Blend: