Attend online classes with one click!
Click here for watching the a short video on the application!
OCH - Online Class Helper is a free open-source tool made to aid students attending online classes during the pandemic which allows them to join and attend their classes hassle-free in a single click.
Unable to organize all your class links throughout the week? Add your classes once to keep them organized and tabulated. You can also make and share templates with your friends which can save them time.
Tabulated and organized classes
Easily add, edit or delete classes
Make, share and load templates
Get notified and automatically launch your class
Easily update to the latest version from within the app
[For all the updates and features added for different versions of OCH, please refer to ReleaseNotes.txt]
Turn off your Antivirus softwares before trying to set up OCH. (More info on why below under "Note")
Download and run the OCH_setup.exe file.
Set up your classes by going to the Add/Edit classes tab. You can also load a .dat/.txt template using the 'load file' button. So you can make and share templates of your classes with each other!
Note: Manually modified files won't work as they should be binary files and must be generated through OCH.
You're done! Head back to the main page and you will find your class details at the corresponding time. Good luck, and happy learning!
Do not modify/delete any of the files in the root directory or it will result in the malfunctioning or improper loading of the program
You must turn off your antiviruses for .exe files without EV code signatures because some of the inacurate Antiviruses like Avast and Windows defender can be triggered by it and detect the softwares as malware/trojan. However, you don't have to worry about any harm to your computer because this is only a false positive that triggers the AVs. Make sure you add the .exe file as an exception in your AVs to avoid abrupt deletion of the file by your AVs. You can turn your AVs back on as soon as you've added it as an exception. (The setup .exe file has been detected only by 2 AVs out of 68 on VirusTotal and it's a common issue with converting files using Pyinstaller. It's the fault of the AV vendors for their inaccuracy of malware/trojan detection)
For any bugs, issues, help, feature requests, contact me via the 'Send Feedback' menu on OCH or through:
- Personal E-mail: [email protected]
- Personal Instagram: