Authors: David Moreno, Hernán Benítez and Alan Bovik
Contact: [email protected]
This is a demonstration of the work presented in:
"Predicting the Quality of Fused Long Wave Infrared and Visible Light Images", David-Moreno D.E., Benítez-Restrepo H.D., Bovik A.C.
Which proposes fused image quality metrics and presents a subjective human study for their construction and validation. Files included are: the Matlab implementation of an opinion distortion unaware and an opinion aware fused image quality analyzer, the original raw opinion scores, Z-scores after subject rejection, and Differential Mean Opinion Scores (DMOS).
Input: A test fused image loaded in an array.
Output: A quality score of the image. A higher value indicates lower quality.
- Load the image:
fused_image = imread('fused_image1.bmp');
- Load a pristine MVG model:
load pristineModel.mat
- Call the metricIQA function:
quality = metricIQA(fused_image,pristineModel);
Note: The following files and algorithms are required for this function to work properly:
- Mat file (provided): pristineModel.mat (pristine MVG model)
- MatalbPyrTools:
- EmGm:
Training: This version was trained using 80 pairs of LWIR and visible images with three fusion algorithms (average, gradient pyramid, and shift invariant discrete wavelet transform), that is 240 fused images. The user can retrain the model by calculating the features of the images using the function computeGoodallFeatures
and calculating the MVG model with mixGaussEm
from the EmGm toolbox.
- Load the image:
fused_image = imread('fused_image1.bmp');
- Call the metricIQA function:
quality = metricSVM(fused_image);
Note: The following files and algorithms are required for this function to work properly:
- Mat files (provided): SVMmodel.mat (regressor model), dmos.mat (DMOS), trainX.mat (reference for data scaling), logistic-function-param.mat (beta parameters for the logistic function)
- MatalbPyrTools:
- Libsvm:
- scaleSVM function:
Training: This version was trained using 540 fused images and DMOS. The user can retrain the model by using the svmtrain
from the Libsvm toolbox and finding the best beta parameters of the logistic function using nlinfit
- raw-opinion-scores.mat contains the raw opinion scores given by 27 subjects for 750 fused images over 5 sessions. The size of the opinion scores matrix is 27x150x5 (subjects x images per session x sessions).
- Z-scores.mat contains the Z-scores of the difference scores after subject rejection (five subjects were rejected). The size is 22x675 (subjects x distorted fused images).
- dmos.mat contains the differential mean opinion scores (DMOS) for 675 distorted fused images after subject rejection.