#328 : docblocks
#329 (#330 ): change Event
class additional properties to be public
#333 (#334 ): prevent non-breaking spaces from being removed from the DESCRIPTION
#335 : update broken URL due to GitHub username change
Create a new method to return the default time zone and support setting it when null
Support applying the max
level in PHPStan
Previous Release Changelogs
#327 : emojis no longer displaying correctly
#317 : when unfolding account for non-breaking spaces
#326 : handle MONTHLY rrules with BYDAY set as the [-]5th instance of a weekday
Test against PHP 8.2
#315 (#316 ): fix PHP 8.2 deprecation for dynamic properties
#307 : allow for trailing ;
#311 : support configuring the user agent
Allow PHPUnit 9 to be installed but still provide backwards compatibility with v5
#296 : allow setting the HTTP protocol version
#297 : correct variable name ($last_modified
#299 : prevent deprecation notice in PHP 8.1+ (auto_detect_line_endings
#300 : refer to correct version in README
#301 : support the MONTHLY rrule stanza by itself
#291 : modify key value from string
#294 : handle case of RRULE:COUNT=1
Bumped minimum PHP requirement
You can’t perform that action at this time.