Dart-Sass binary packages for AARCH64, ARMv7l, X86 and X64 and Docker Image for creating the packages
This repository provides Dart-Sass binary packages for
- AARCH64 (aarch64/arm64v8/arm64)
- ARMv7l (armv7l/arm32v7/armhf)
- X86 (x86/i386/i686/ia32)
- X64 (x64/amd64/x86_64)
as well as the Docker Image used for building the binary packages.
Extract the binary package on the target host:
$ sudo tar xf binary/sass.dart-linux-<ARCH>-<VERSION>.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/sass.dart-linux-<ARCH>-<VERSION> /usr/local/bin/sass
On X86 Dart-Sass cannot be compiled into a binary.
Instead the runtime interpreter needs to be used.
$ sudo tar xf binary/sass.dart-linux-i386-<SASS_VERSION>-snapshot.tgz -C /opt/
$ sudo ln -s /opt/sass.dart-linux-i386-<SASS_VERSION>-snapshot/sass /usr/local/bin/
$ sass
Note: due to reasons unknown the command $ sass --version
will issue an error.
On the X64/AMD64 host, run:
$ cd cross-build
For AARCH64:
$ ./build_binary.sh arm64
(Cross-compiling is currently only available for the AARCH64 target)
This will generate the binary package ./dist/sass.dart-linux-<ARCH>-<VERSION>.tgz
Follow above instructions for using the pre-built binary.
You'll just need to replace the path binary/
with dist/
On the host machine, run:
$ cd native-build
$ ./build_binary.sh
This will generate the binary package ./dist/sass.dart-linux-<ARCH>-<VERSION>.tgz
Follow above instructions for using the pre-built binary.
You'll just need to replace the path binary/
with dist/
The Docker Image is based on: