Sample application to highlight distributed tracing and other aspects with OpenTelemetry including:
- Microservices
- Traffic generator
- Quality of service interruptor
- Traces, metrics, and logs all through OpenTelemetry
- A variety of observability backends for consumption
OpenTelemetry can be thought of as observability middleware:
These three "layers" can be considered a full implementation. This repo aims at providing all of them (the microservices applications, the OpenTelemetry implementation, and observability backends).
Instead of taking an opinionated approach on what observability backends should be included, this ships multiple:
- Metrics - Prometheus
- Traces - Jaeger and Grafana Tempo
- Logs - Elasticsearch and Grafana Loki
There are a few ways to "use" this repository...
make run-local
make install-tools-and-app
make install-app
make install-tools
$ make port-forward-jaeger
$ make port-forward-grafana
$ make port-forward-grafana
$ make port-forward-kibana
$ make port-forward-grafana
To cleanup the local environment:
$ make stop-local
There are three services in this application:
- Cart - Service handling user requests for shopping cart data (written in Go)
- User - Handles user verification and lookup requests from the cart service (written in Go)
- Price - Serves update pricing information for products (written in Python)
The backend persistent application data storage is with PostgreSQL.
Instrumentation is entirely with OpenTelemetry's APIs and SDKs. Telemetry collection is achieved through the OpenTelemetry Collector sending trace data to Jaeger.