Development & Integration Toolkit for Laravel Framework (5.0+). For other web framework/language/plugin, please go to
- PHP 5.4+
- Laravel Framework v5.0+
- cURL extension enabled
For Laravel 5.5+ SKIP step 2 & 3 because we already use Package Discovery feature so Laravel will automatically register the Service Provider and Alias at the time of installation
- Run command
composer require trijayadigital/cekmutasi-laravel:dev-master
- Open your config/app.php and add this code to the providers array, it will looks like:
'providers' => [
// other providers
- Add this code to your class aliases array
'aliases' => [
// other aliases
'Cekmutasi' => Tridi\Cekmutasi\Facade::class,
- Run command
composer dump-autoload
- Then
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tridi\Cekmutasi\ServiceProvider"
- Edit config/cekmutasi.php and add your API Key & Signature, or you can add this code to your .env file
CEKMUTASI_API_KEY="place your api key here"
CEKMUTASI_API_SIGNATURE="place your api signature here"
You can use cekmutasi library by importing cekmutasi class. Here is the example of using cekmutasi class in Controller
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Cekmutasi;
class AnotherController extends Controller
public function index()
$mutation = Cekmutasi::bank()->mutation([
'date' => [
'from' => date('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00',
'to' => date('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59'
For further example, you can check out in example/CekmutasiController.php included in this package
Get cekmutasi account balance
Check your detected IP address. This IP should be added to Whitelist IP in your integration if you want to use HTTP Request method or some plugins
Handle callback/ipn data. This method is highly recommended for use because it has pre-build callback/ipn security verification
Load Bank service. Below are the available methods from bank service
Get bank account list
Get bank account detail
Get total balance of registered bank accounts
Get bank mutation (max 1000)
Load PayPal service. Below are the available methods from paypal service
Get paypal account list
Get paypal account detail
Get total balance of registered paypal accounts
Get paypal mutation (max 1000)
Load GoPay service. Below are the available methods from gopay service
Get gopay account list
Get gopay account detail
Get total balance of registered gopay accounts
Get gopay mutation (max 1000)
Load OVO service. Below are the available methods from ovo service
Get ovo account list
Get ovo account detail
Get total balance of registered ovo accounts
Get ovo mutation (max 1000)
Get the available destination banks
Make transfer bank inquiry
Proccess transfer from OVO to bank
Get transaction detail of bank transfer
Make transfer OVO inquiry
Proccess transfer from OVO to OVO
For the best way to handle Callback/IPN, we strongly recommend you to use the catchIPN() method with pre-build security validation to handle and verifiying incoming callback/ipn data.