This project is now in maintanence mode and has been superseeded by the Tapuino Next
However amazing people keep building this version and adding value (see the 3D printable enclosure below)
Limited support can be found in the following Amibay forum Amibay
Details can be found on my blog:
The FAQ and other docs can be found on the wiki:
A really nice board design can be found here:
And a write up here:
These schematics are also provided in the "layout" folder as a convenience.
Portions of this code are copyright by their respective owners:
- PetitFatfs: Chan:
- I2C code: Peter Fleury [email protected]
- LCD code: conversion of the Arduino code apparently by DFRobot? (converted to C by me)
by @fabriziofiorucci
A 3D printable enclosure designed with Fusion 360 is available for download as .stl files