This SPA app has been deployed to Heroku(free tier) at
The app was created using Webpack4, React16, Sass and Jikan API.
Public API: Jikan API.
- Node v12.18.3 used
- NPM v6.14.8 used
npm install
npm run start
index.html, css file and js file will be created in publid folder. start for development. build for production.
- Getting a random anime with its title, thumbnail and synopsis by click a button.
After fetching a get request Jikan server responses back JSON objects containing a specific anime with a corresponding ID. At the moment the app makes a request for one anime after one another.
The state array saves each anime info - title, image_url and synopsis. But, some IDs for Jikan API apprently doesn't have JSON objects. Therefore I made it call another request when there was status responses between 400 and 500.