AWS Certified | 14+ Years in Software Development | JAVA | SpringBoot | Python (Django, flask) | ExpressJs | TypeScript | AWS Serverless
I'm open to Remote Work and employment opportunities
Here's more what you can find in my repository:
- Frontend: ReactJs, React Native, NextJs, VueJs, NuxtJs, HTML, TailwindCSS and Bootstrap CSS
- Backend: TypeScript, Node.js, ExpressJs, Python, Flask, Django, DRF, Java, Magnolia CMS, and AWS Lambda
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Redis
- Cloud: AWS S3, Cognito, CDK, EC2, Fargate, Textract, SQS, IAM, Route53, API Gateway, GKE, GCP, Kubernetes, Firebase
- DevOps: Docker, AWS, Terraform, GitHub Actions, CI/CD
- Other: Git, REST APIs, GraphQL
- Senior Enginer at PolyAPI
- Java/AWS Developer at TBSCG
- Tech Lead at Traaal Tourism
- Senior Software Engineer at W3 Engineers Ltd
- More
- Spring Boot
- Kubernetes
- AngularJs
- Magnolia CMS Based Ecommerce Website
- Magnolia CMS Based Health sector Website
- Luxury fleet Management application
- Travel website
- Generative AI White board Sketching Tool.
- More
- LinkedIn: @skpaik
- Twitter: @skpaik
- Email: [email protected]
Feel free to connect and collaborate with me on exciting projects!