Conversatorio by Silvia Binda Heiserova is a series of feminist electronic and digital artworks, using various components, microcontrollers, modules and code. It includes a series of 8 boards, conceptualized as open hardware artistic feminist devices, designed and assembled in such a manner so they uncover what usually is hidden.
These boards are open source and transparent, all its components are visible so everybody can see what these technologies consist of. Besides calling for openism and transparency, the boards from Conservatorio series are determined by the number 78:
In 2023, up until today, September 15th, 78 women were assassinated in Spain for misogynistic and sexist motives (data source: Every board from Conversatorio is coded so that it visually or sonically represents the number of these hate crimes, which in Spanish language are called "feminicidios".
Altogether, when entering the space of the open hardware boards ensemble, visitors find themselves encircled by seemingly unpredictable soundscapes that are predetermined by data representing gender violence in its worst consequences.
Simultaneously, the number 78 is visualised in a subtle and almost invisible way, just like gender violence persists in our day-to-day lived societies throughout the year.