Hello, Below are the following points asked in the assesment: ○ Setup instructions. ○ Your approach and any design decisions you made. ○ Challenges you faced during development.
- unzip the application code downloaded from github
- open cmd in the given folder
- run npm install command to install all the necessary packages
- run the application by running the command npm react-native run android
- FOR IOS: open ios folder and install pod file in ios
- to run the project in IOS devices run npm react-native run ios
○ Your approach and any design decisions you made.
- I have implemented both Redux management system and controller part
- There are two screens login and home: in login i havve implemented redux-thunk and in Home screen i have implemented controller system
- Design for login screen is similar to figma screen provided.
- I didnt follow any design for home screen, just the logic part is there.
- I have created common components for Buttons, UserInputs and other component to showcase my way of writing code.
- I didnt add fonts to the project because i didnt get the particular font needed provided in figma
- Added stylesheets in all the screens for better performance
- Used prettier code formatter
- code is written in typescript.
- Redux thunk is used as a state management library.
○ Challenges you faced during development.
- I have worked on MVC code structure before but didnt created any MVC folders from scratch
Thankyou Hope to work for Upgrad in future.