This project was made for all customers who want to sell their e-commerce products and open up to the global market with SEO based performance app.
- Next.js | Typescript | TailwindCSS | Eslint
-- Authentication handled with Auth0
-- SSR Based Application, centralized requests with axios
-- @headlessui/react Category based filtering section
-- @reduxjs/toolkit with persist store Data Layer
-- @framer-motion page transition animations
-- @swiper/react for Slide based components
-- @react-toastify Toast notifications
-- @formik-yup form handlers
Listing of campaigns
Listing of opportunity products
People's access to products by categories
Customers can add the products they want to buy to their cart
Customers can create an account and create an order
About us page with information about the company
Contact Us page for customers and potential customers to contact
First, run the development server:
npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev