Highly responsive Gentoo plasma desktop on VMware 15 player virtual machine:
- latte-dock conf with "on-demand" monitoring right dock
- terminator conf
- starship conf
- custom syntax highlighting and enhanced completion (like fish) with ble.sh
- htop conf with cpu load graph
- cava updated conf with blue/purple gradient
- ytfzf conf
- kitty conf for smoother cava running
- useful shopt behaviors and aliases
- shared/cleaned history between terminals (see References)
- better colorized output with grc
- gitconfig with delta highlight enabled
- make.conf with custom FEATURES, MAKEOPTS, etc for Portage parallel package builds
- Clang compiler for LLVM alternative toolchain, able to compile >= Linux 5.12 Kernel with "Clang LTO support" enabled
- package.env for overriding environment per package
- custom cflags per package build optimization (see References)
- package files
- mounted Portage_TMPDIR_on_tmpfs
- .config files for the rock-solid gentoo-sources and for desktop oriented xanmod-sources
- Xanmod sources are intended to be compiled with Clang/LLVM toolchain and optimized by -O3 and Link Time Optimization ThinLTO in order to have the best desktop performance
- Xanmod (and all the CFS kernel) could use the runtime "cfs-zen-tweaks" (thanks to https://github.com/owl4ce/cfs-zen-tweaks-openrc for OpenRC porting)
- fast "cpu, ram and disk monitoring" script for command output applet (I don't like the default graph/bloated, if graphs are needed can be activated "on-demand" on the right dock)
- mousewheel for smoother scroll
- .vmx file with custom options that fixes low-resolution issues and add performance improvement
- .ps1 script to be added into "VMware Player" shortcut, in order to fix svga.guestBackedPrimaryAware="TRUE" bug every time the player is started
Some of my settings are experimental and maybe dangerous for your system.
Clone, review the needed code and use at your own risk!
- improve history management/approach
- improve bash shortcuts
- [WIP] add fzf support
- debloat/improve kernel configurations
- try to improve audio latency, playing with jack or pipewire
- [JFF] try to resurrect fbsplash
- https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/48713/how-can-i-remove-duplicates-in-my-bash-history-preserving-order
- https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/18212/bash-history-ignoredups-and-erasedups-setting-conflict-with-common-history
- https://portonsoft.wordpress.com/2012/12/02/running-x-sessions/
- https://codeinthehole.com/tips/the-most-important-command-line-tip-incremental-history-searching-with-inputrc/
- https://gist.github.com/tuxfight3r/60051ac67c5f0445efee
- http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/Practices
- https://www.baeldung.com/linux/bash-variables-export