A PyTorch library for L1-regularized least squares (lasso) problems. This library is a work in progress; contributions are welcome and appreciated!
Author: Reuben Feinman (New York University)
At a glance:
import torch
from lasso.linear import dict_learning, sparse_encode
# dummy data matrix
data = torch.randn(100, 10)
# Dictionary Learning
dictionary, losses = dict_learning(data, n_components=50, alpha=0.5, algorithm='ista')
# Sparse Coding (lasso solve)
coeffs = sparse_encode(data, dictionary, alpha=0.2, algorithm='interior-point')
Lasso solvers: ISTA, Gradient Projection, Interior Point, Iterative Ridge, Coordinate Descent, Split Bregman
Examples: See the Omniglot tutorial for a demonstration of how to use pytorch-lasso to perform dictionary learning with image patches.
Pytorch-lasso is a collection of utilities for sparse coding and dictionary learning in PyTorch. The aim of the project is few-fold: 1) to assemble a collection of classical sparse coding techniques for benchmarking and comparison, 2) to provide a modern implementation of popular algorithms with autograd and GPU support, and 3) to offer a starting point for nonlinear sparse coding problems where gradient and/or hessian information is available.
The canonical lasso formulation is an L1-regularized (linear) least squares problem with the following form:
where is an observation vector,
a dictionary "weight" matrix, and
a vector of sparse coefficients.
Typically the dictionary is overcomplete, i.e.
Pytorch-lasso includes a number of techniques for solving the linear lasso problem, detailed in Section 2.
I'm grateful to Mark Schmidt, whose lecture notes guided my literature review [1].
In addition to solving for sparse coefficients with an existing dictionary, another problem of interest is dictionary learning. Dictionary learning is a matrix factorization problem formulated as follows:
In this case, and
are observation and coefficient matrices with n samples.
The problem is typically solved in an EM fashion by iterating between finding the optimal coefficients (lasso) for the current dictionary and finding the optimal dictionary (least-squares) for the current coefficients.
Pytorch-lasso includes modules for dictionary learning in two forms: 1) a "constrained" setting where dictionary atoms are constrained to unit norm (a la scikit-learn), and 2) an "unconstrained" setting where the unit constraint is replaced by an L2 dictionary penalty. Details are provided in Section 3.
There are a variety of lasso solvers for the classical "linear" setting, i.e. the case where our dictionary is an overcomplete linear basis W.
The lasso.linear
module gathers a number of popular algorithms for this setting. The solvers include:
- ISTA: Iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithms, including the "fast" variant described in [2]. An option for backtracking line-search is provided. This algorithm is very efficient and produces good results in most cases. It's a great default to use.
- Gradient Projection: The projected gradient method described in [3]. The lasso problem is reformulated as a box-constrained quadratic programming problem and solved by a gradient projection algorithm. At the moment, only the GPSR-Basic variant of the algorithm is offered.
- Interior Point: The primal-dual log barrier (interior point) method proposed in [4]. Also known as basis pursuit. The algorithm is summarized nicely in [5], and also in section 2.3 of [1]. These summaries informed the current implementation.
- Iterative Ridge: An iterative algorithm developed in [6] that uses an update rule inspired by ridge regression, along with the approximation
. The updates are applied iteratively since the step depends on z (unlike classical ridge). An optional line search can make convergence much faster. Although less efficient than ISTA/CD, this algorithm consistently produces the best results in my evaluations thus far. Runtime on GPU is very reasonable.
- Coordinate Descent: A popular approach for sparse coding developed in [7]; often considered the fastest algorithm for sparse code inference. The current cd implementation is a batched variant of the per-sample CD algorithms offered in scikit-learn. It does not always work as expected; there may be some bugs. I've included a "modified" variant (coord_descent_mod) derived from sklearn that is much slower but produces reliable results.
- Split Bregman: The Split Bregman method of [8].
Another "linear" setting of interest is 2D convolution.
In this case, our linear basis is a large (and very sparse) matrix with block-Toeplitz structure.
Many of the classical linear solvers are not applicable to this setting.
The lasso.conv2d
module implements a few solvers specialized for the 2D convolution setting, inspired by those discussed above. They are:
- ISTA: As described above, but optimized for the conv setting. I've included code to estimate the lipschitz constant of a conv2d operator. This is needed for optimal learning rate selection.
- Gradient Projection: This algorithm works with convolution, but is not yet included by default in the
library. It is coming soon.
The module lasso.nonlinear
contains some extensions for the generalized case of a nonlinear dictionary, i.e. x_hat = D(z), where D is a nonlinear decoder.
This module is experimental: with the exception of ISTA and OWLQN—which are established techniques for nonlinear lasso—the solvers here represent my own ideas for extending linear methods.
The current offerings are as follows:
- ISTA: A generalized ISTA solver for nonlinear decoders. I've included a "dynamic" learning rate option which estimates the lipschitz constant of the RSS gradient function by linearizing this function around the current point.
- OWLQN: The Orthant-wise limited memory quasi-Newton (OWLQN) method presented in [9]. This is a popular technique for solving nonlinear lasso problems.
- Iterative Ridge BFGS: A generalization of the Iterative Ridge method. Uses Newton steps with a BFGS approximation of the RSS hessian.
- Split Bregman: A generalization of the Split Bregman algorithm. This algorithm uses the Gauss-Newton method, a modification of Newton's method specialized for least squares objective terms.
In addition to lasso solvers, pytorch-lasso provides implementations of dictionary learning (sparse matrix factorization).
The structure is inspired by Scikit Learn's sklearn.decomposition
In sklearn, the dictionary is constrained such that each component vector has unit norm.
This framework is great for linear models, however, it's unclear how it extends to nonlinear decoders.
Pytorch-lasso offers two variants of the dictionary learning problem: 1) the "constrained" unit-norm variant, and 2) an "unconstrained" counterpart with L2 dictionary regularization.
[1] "Least Squares Optimization with L1-Norm Regularization". Schmidt, 2005.
[2] "A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm". Beck & Teboulle, 2009.
[3] "Gradient projection for sparse reconstruction: Application to compressed sensing and other inverse problems". Figueiredo et al., 2007.
[4] "Atomic decomposition by basis pursuit". Chen et al., 1999.
[5] "Block coordinate relaxation methods for nonparametrix wavelet denoising". Sardy et al., 2000.
[6] "Variable selection via non-concave penalized likelihood and its oracle properties". Fan and Li, 2001.
[7] "Coordinate descent optimization for L1 minimization with application to compressed sensing; a greedy algorithm". Li and Osher, 2009.
[8] "The split Bregman method for L1-regularized problems". Goldstein & Osher, 2008.
[9] "Scalable training of L1-regularized log-linear models". Andrew & Gao, 2007.