Use Symfony HTTP Client
Available methods:
- Contexte
- ListeSC
- ParamSC
- DispoListeSC
Events « séances » are mapped to RZ\FSirius\EventDate
object by calling $client->getEventDates($sessionToken, $eventId)
Get a session token by calling:
$sessionToken = $client->getSessionToken();
This package provides a simple Account
and Symfony Authenticator: SiriusAccountAuthenticator
to authenticate Sirius customer.
However, you must provide your own CredentialsInterface
implementation because Sirius does not provide SSO mechanism.
For example, you can create a password-less authentication system using JWT sent by email combined with $account->getSurvey()
check user permissions.
$surveyFields = explode(';', $user->getSurvey() ?? '');
if (false === $surveyFields || !in_array($this->professionalField, $surveyFields)) {
throw new BadCredentialsException('account_is_not_professional');
Be careful, Forum Sirius API servers are using Europe/Paris
Make sure your application is configured with the same timezone.