see report for background: 52_report.pdf
This is the repository for the Advanced Systems Lab project by:
- Jonas
- Tobias
- Dan
- Samuel
The goal of the project is to implement NN-Descent which is an efficient algorithm for approximate K-Nearest Neighbour Graph (K-NNG) construction.
The algorithm is described in the pulication "Efficient K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction for Generic Similarity Measures" by Wei Dong et al.
Useful links:
- Publication:
- Project System:
- PyNNDescent:
After cloning the repository compile the C-code in the directory nn_descent
with the following command:
gcc -O3 -ffast-math -march=native -o a.out knnd.c knnd_test.c vec.c -lm
Additionally you will have to create a Python virtual environment. To do so you can follow these steps:
- create the environment in the chosen path (e.g ./pip-env)
python -m venv ./pip-env
- activate the environment
source pip-env/bin/activate
- install the requirements listed in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Obtain code of nn_descent of in the version you wish to benchmark. Usually this means cloning into a new directory and resetting as follows:
git clone ...
cd copy_of_project
git reset --hard T0
Don't forget to adjust the frequency constant in the C code.
python -p ../copy_of_project/nn_descent
which will generate a tab separated file in directory benchmarks. Make sure to add an identifier of your architectures to files you wish to push to the repistory.
You may find examples of plots in eval_zenv1.ipynb