Ramen 2.0
a 2D game dev framework and optional engine for making commercial-quality PC games in Forth.
Update: i've gone from a submodule-based system to including all dependencies in the repository.
the following repositories will house the stable releases of each dependency from now on:
- AllegroForthKit
- Ramen (archived for history)
- Workspace
- Venery
- Built on Allegro 5, using AllegroForthKit.
- Sprite animation
- Multiple display list support
- Interactive commandline console
- Fast rectangle collision detection
- Roundrobin multitasking
- Graphics primitives such as line, rectangle, ellipse, blit, text, etc.
- Publish facility
- Z-sorted rendering
- Basic sound support
- Collections with Venery
- Download SwiftForth.
- After installation is complete, add SwiftForth's bin\ folder to your PATH.
- Copy kitconfig.f to your drive's root folder and customize it if desired.
- Run ramen.bat
Note: SwiftForth's evaluation version doesn't support creating executables, therefore none of the make scripts will work. Work on porting to GForth is underway.
- Submit Issues
- Tweet @RamenEngine
- Forth: The Hacker's Language on HACKADAY
- Programming Forth by Stephen Pelc
- Forth Programming 21st Century on Facebook - The current active and growing forum on the web for modern desktop Forth programming (as opposed to on embedded or classic computers.)
- Allegro 5.2.3 Documentation
- Allegro.cc forum - A very helpful and fairly active community. And gladly, language-agnostic.
- The DPANS94 Forth Standard