A program to analyse your google history in Python.
- Python 3.2 +
- Zip file exractor like WinZip
- BeautifulSoup
For installing listed Libraries use these commands on terminal
python setup.py install
- Go to www.google.com/history
- Follow the steps done in images below :
- Go to your mail and download the attachments sent by google
- The attachments will be downloaded in a folder name Searches.
- Extract that folder
- Run the file google_history_analysor.py and provide path to the Searches folder which contain index.html file and another Searches folder containing json files.
- Adding Folder where index.html is located
``>>> provide path :C:\Users\Rajan\Downloads\Searches``
- For getting top 10 results with frequency'
``>>> get_top(10)``
``[('in', 631), ('to', 324), ('of', 262), ('for', 197), ('python', 192), ('how', 180), ('google', 122), ('on', 115), ('and', 112), ('a', 105)]``
- For printing the top list in more readable form
``>>> prettify(get_top(5))``
``in : 631``
``to : 324``
``of : 262``
``for : 197``
``python : 192``
- For getting the frequency of word searched
``>>> get_frequency('india')``
- For saving the list of top searched words in file
``>>> save(get_top(100))``
``>>>provide filename : googlehistoryfile.doc``
``File created successfully``