My name is Oran Bramble, a recent Computer Science graduate from the University of Southampton. Having been studying Computer Science ever since I was 13, I have a vast knowledge base and have completed many projects. For a few of my more successful ones plus current undertakings, see the lists below:
Current Projects:
Data Annotator 📊
- Working for DataAnnotation in helping train programming AI models for languages such as Python and JavaScript
Jegadeesh-Titman Momentum Trading Strategy ⌨️
- Currently implementing the original momentum trading strategy described by Jegadeesh and Titman
Previous Projects:
Third Year Independent Project ⚽
- Simulated exploitation of accumulator betting in the UK football betting market using machine learning
- Unable to publish this work here so the repository just contains graphs and findings
- File storage system spread over multiple servers featuring a rebalancing algorithm
- AI recommender systems using manually coded matrix factorisation and cosine similarity
- Python script to automatically optimise a portfolio of financial assets
Quiplash Clone Cloud application 🌐
- Unfinished application but has backend system in place using Python and Azure