Deploy a microsoft sql server locally that is bootstraped with a backpac file of your choosing. NOTE! This will restore database back to the state of the bacpac file every time it's restarted.
Requires docker & docker-compose to be installed.
- Clone repository
- Create a folder in of repo folder named "backup"
- Copy your x.bacpac file to this folder
- Open the "docker-compose.yml" file and set ENV variables BACKUP_NAME to the file name of your bacpac (x.bacpac)
- Also set the ENV variable DB_NAME to the name of the database you have backed up
- To build and start container use
docker-compose up
in terminal - mssql server should now be available on port 1433
- To rebuild use
docker-compose build
Creates a new backup inside the container and then copies it out to the host into the ./backup folder.
Usage: ./ {backupname}
{backupname} you replace with the name you want for the backup. For example ./ mybackup
Then a new backup will created as ./backup/mybackup.bacpac in your repo folder