This directory analyzes Oakland's street trees. First, it visualizes the taxonomy of Oakland's trees. It then maps them in several ways. Finally, it creates a simple model to identify the trees most likely to have problems.
./Street_Tree_Analysis.Rmd contains all code and analysis. It is is a heavily annotated file, and is mostly self explanatory.
./Street_Tree_Analysis.html is the formatted/published version of ./Street_Tree_Analysis.Rmd.
./index.html is a copy of ./Street_Tree_Analysis.html, renamed such that GitHub Pages recognizes and displays it here.
./publish.R a utility script to process ./Street_Tree_Analysis.Rmd into ./Street_Tree_Analysis.html and ./index.html.
./Data/ contains data used in the analysis, this includes a record of tree maintenance from the city of Oakland, as well as tree cached query results from the taxize package.
./Data/ contains shapefiles used to create tree maps. Note that additional shapefiles are pulled into the enviroment directly from the cencus's TIGER database using the tigres package.