- Gameplay
- Friends behave more orderly
- Enemies behave more strategically
- Enemies spawn more quickly
- Enemy difficulty scales more slowly
- Power-ups spawn more frequently
- Power-ups behave more consistently
- Power-ups apply more score
- Graphics
- Camera dynamically zooms to fit most action
- Particle effects are more intense
- Power-up names appear when collected
- Interface elements are more animated
- Menu buttons have better focus states
- User interface
- Supported controllers now vibrate
- The game can be paused
- The game automatically pauses when it loses focus
- The game can quit to desktop from the menu
- Mouse cursor lock behaves more consistently
- Audio
- Limited maximum number of audible sounds
- Documentation
- Manual reflects the new changes
- Tables have better accessibility
- Application
- Updated desktop builds to Electron 26
- Redesigned application icon