QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing with integrated shrinking for Gleam.
Rather than specifying test cases manually, you describe the invariants that values of a given type must satisfy ("properties"). Then, generators generate lots of values (test cases) on which the properties are checked. Finally, if a value is found for which a given property does not hold, that value is "shrunk" in order to find an nice, informative counter-example that is presented to you.
While there are a ton of great articles introducing quickcheck or property-based testing, here are a couple general resources that you may enjoy:
You might also be interested in checking out this project that uses qcheck to test Gleam's stdlib.
- See the API docs for detailed usage,
- See qcheck_viewer to visualize the distributions of some of the qcheck generators.
Here is a short example to get you started. It assumes you are using gleeunit to run the tests, but any test runner that reasonably handles panics will do.
import qcheck
pub fn int_addition_commutativity__test() {
use n <- qcheck.given(qcheck.small_non_negative_int())
should.equal(n + 1, 1 + n)
pub fn int_addition_commutativity__failures_shrink_to_zero__test() {
use n <- qcheck.given(qcheck.small_non_negative_int())
should.not_equal(n + 1, 1 + n)
That second example will fail with an error that may look something like this if you are targeting Erlang.
1) examples/basic_example_test.small_non_negative_int__failures_shrink_to_zero__test
Failure: <<"TestError[original_value: 5; shrunk_value: 0; shrink_steps: 1; error: Errored(
[Module(GleeunitFfi), Line(17), Expression([65, 99, 116, 117, 97, 108]), Value(6)]
sets up the test- If a property holds for all generated values, then
. - If a property does not hold for all generated values, then
will panic.
- If a property holds for all generated values, then
generates small integers greater than or equal to zero.should.equal(n + 1, 1 + n)
is the property being tested in the first test.- It should be true for all generated values.
- The return value of
will beNil
, because the property does hold for all generated values.
should.not_equal(n + 1, 1 + n)
is the property being tested in the second test.- It should be false for all generated values.
will be panic, because the property does not hold for all generated values.
Here is a more in-depth example. We will create a simple Point
type, write some serialization functions, and then check that the serializing round-trips.
First here is some code to define a Point
type Point {
Point(Int, Int)
fn make_point(x: Int, y: Int) -> Point {
Point(x, y)
fn point_equal(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> Bool {
let Point(x1, y1) = p1
let Point(x2, y2) = p2
x1 == x2 && y1 == y2
fn point_to_string(point: Point) -> String {
let Point(x, y) = point
"(" <> int.to_string(x) <> " " <> int.to_string(y) <> ")"
Next, let's write a function that parses the string representation into a Point
. The string representation is pretty simple, Point(1, 2)
would be represented by the following string: (1 2)
Here is one possible way to parse that string representation into a Point
. (Note that this implementation is intentionally broken for illustration.)
fn point_of_string(string: String) -> Result(Point, String) {
// Create the regex.
use re <- result.try(
regex.from_string("\\((\\d+) (\\d+)\\)")
|> result.map_error(string.inspect),
// Ensure there is a single match.
use submatches <- result.try(case regex.scan(re, string) {
[Match(_content, submatches)] -> Ok(submatches)
_ -> Error("expected a single match")
// Ensure both submatches are present.
use xy <- result.try(case submatches {
[Some(x), Some(y)] -> Ok(#(x, y))
_ -> Error("expected two submatches")
// Try to parse both x and y values as integers.
use xy <- result.try(case int.parse(xy.0), int.parse(xy.1) {
Ok(x), Ok(y) -> Ok(#(x, y))
Error(Nil), Ok(_) -> Error("failed to parse x value")
Ok(_), Error(Nil) -> Error("failed to parse y value")
Error(Nil), Error(Nil) -> Error("failed to parse x and y values")
Ok(Point(xy.0, xy.1))
Now we would like to test our implementation. Of course, we could make some examples and test it like so:
import gleeunit/should
pub fn roundtrip_test() {
let point = Point(1, 2)
let parsed_point = point |> point_to_string |> point_of_string
point_equal(point, parsed_point) |> should.be_true
That's fine, and you can imagine taking some corner cases like putting in 0
or -1
or the max and min values for integers on your selected target. Rather, let's think of a property to test.
I mention round-tripping, but how can you write a property to test it. Something like, "given a valid point, when serializing it to a string, and then deserializing that string into another point, both points should always be equal".
Okay, first we need to write a generator of valid points. In this case, it isn't too interesting as any integer can be used for both x
and y
values of the point. So we can use generator.map2
like so:
fn point_generator() {
qcheck.map2(qcheck.int_uniform(), qcheck.int_uniform(), make_point)
Alternatively, if you prefer the use
syntax, you could write:
fn point_generator() {
use x, y <- qcheck.map2(qcheck.int_uniform(), qcheck.int_uniform())
make_point(x, y)
Now that we have the point generator, we can write a property test. (It uses the gleeunit/should.be_true
function again.)
pub fn point_serialization_roundtripping__test() {
use generated_point <- qcheck.given(point_generator())
let assert Ok(parsed_point) =
|> point_to_string
|> point_of_string
should.be_true(point_equal(generated_point, parsed_point))
Let's try and run the test. (Note that your output won't look exactly like this.)
$ gleam test
1) examples/parsing_example_test.point_serialization_roundtripping__test: module 'examples@parsing_example_test'
Failure: <<"TestError[original_value: Point(-875333649, -1929681101); shrunk_value: Point(0, -1); shrink_steps: 31; error: Errored(dict.from_list([#(Function, \"point_serialization_roundtripping__test\"), #(Line, 74), #(Message, \"Assertion pattern match failed\"), #(Module, \"examples/parsing_example_test\"), #(Value, Error(\"expected a single match\")), #(GleamError, LetAssert)]));]">>
There is a failure. Now, currently, this output is pretty noisy. Here are the important parts to highlight.
original_value: Point(-875333649, -1929681101)
- This is the original counter-example that causes the test to fail.
shrunk_value: Point(0, -1)
- Because
generators have integrated shrinking, that counter-example "shrinks" to this simpler example. - The "shrunk" examples can help you better identify what the problem may be.
- Because
Error(\"expected a single match\"))
- Here is the error message that actually caused the failure.
So we see a failure with Point(0, -1)
, which means it probably has something to do with the negative number. Also, we see that the Error("expected a single match")
is what triggered the failure. That error comes about when regex.scan
fails in the point_of_string
Given those two pieces of information, we can infer that the issue is in our regular expression definition: regex.from_string("\\((\\d+) (\\d+)\\)")
. And now we may notice that we are not allowing for negative numbers in the regular expression. To fix it, change that line to the following:
regex.from_string("\\((-?\\d+) (-?\\d+)\\)")
That is allowing an optional -
sign in front of the integers. Now when you rerun the gleam test
, everything passes.
You could imagine combining a property test like the one above, with a few well chosen examples to anchor everything, into a nice little test suite that exercises the serialization of points in a small amount of test code.
(The full code for this example can be found in test/examples/parsing_example_test.gleam
The applicative style provides a nice interface for creating generators for custom types.
import qcheck
/// A simple Box type with position (x, y) and dimensions (width, height).
type Box {
Box(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int)
fn box_generator() {
// Lift the Box creating function into the Generator structure.
use x <- qcheck.parameter
use y <- qcheck.parameter
use w <- qcheck.parameter
use h <- qcheck.parameter
Box(x:, y:, w:, h:)
// Set the `x` generator.
|> qcheck.apply(qcheck.int_uniform_inclusive(-100, 100))
// Set the `y` generator.
|> qcheck.apply(qcheck.int_uniform_inclusive(-100, 100))
// Set the `width` generator.
|> qcheck.apply(qcheck.int_uniform_inclusive(1, 100))
// Set the `height` generator.
|> qcheck.apply(qcheck.int_uniform_inclusive(1, 100))
You don't have to do anything special to integrate qcheck
with a testing framework like gleeunit. The only thing required is that your testing framework of choice be able to handle panics/exceptions.
Note: startest should be fine.
You may also be interested in qcheck_gleeunit_utils for running your tests in parallel and controlling test timeouts when using gleeunit and targeting Erlang.
Very heavily inspired by the qcheck and base_quickcheck OCaml packages.
Thank you for your interest in the project!
- Bug reports, feature requests, suggestions and ideas are welcomed. Please open an issue to start a discussion.
- External contributions will generally not be accepted without prior discussion.
- If you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue for discussion prior to working on a pull request.
- Small pull requests for bug fixes, typos, or other changes with limited scope may be accepted. If in doubt, please open an issue for discussion first.
Copyright (c) 2024 - 2025 Ryan M. Moore
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option. This program may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.