A suite of tools to interact with the OEIS, providing both console and Jupyter notebook facilities.
A talk about them will be given at SKKU AORC 2017.
$ python3.6 crawling.py -h
usage: crawling.py [-h] [--clear-cache] [--restart] [--workers WORKERS]
[--cache-dir CACHE_DIR] [--progress-mark PROGRESS_MARK]
[S [S ...]]
OEIS Crawler.
positional arguments:
S Sequence to fetch, given in the form Axxxxxx
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--clear-cache Clear cache of sequences, according to --cache-dir
--restart Build fringe from cached sequences (defaults to False)
--workers WORKERS Degree of parallelism (defaults to 10)
Logger verbosity (defaults to ERROR)
--cache-dir CACHE_DIR
Cache directory (defaults to ./fetched/)
--progress-mark PROGRESS_MARK
Symbol for fetched event (defaults to ●)
The following is the help description of the console facility for the pretty printer; moreover, a Jupyter notebook is also given (view).
$ python3.6 pprinting.py -h
usage: pprinting.py [-h]
(--id ID | --seq SEQ | --query QUERY | --most-recents M)
[--force-fetch] [--cache-dir CACHE_DIR] [--tables-only]
[--start-index S] [--max-results R] [--data-only]
[--upper-limit U] [--comment-filter C]
[--formula-filter F] [--xrefs-filter X] [--link-filter L]
[--cite-filter R]
OEIS Pretty Printer.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--id ID Sequence id, given in the form Axxxxxx
--seq SEQ Literal sequence, ordered '[...]' or presence '{...}'
--query QUERY Open query for plain search, in the form '...'
--most-recents M Print the most recent sequences ranking by M in ACCESS
or MODIFY, looking into --cache-dir, at most --max-
results (defaults to None)
--force-fetch Bypass cache fetching again, according to --cache-dir
(defaults to False)
--cache-dir CACHE_DIR
Cache directory (defaults to ./fetched/)
--tables-only Print matrix sequences only (defaults to False)
--start-index S Start from result at rank position S (defaults to 0)
--max-results R Pretty print the former R <= 10 results (defaults to
--data-only Show only data repr and preamble (defaults to False)
--upper-limit U Upper limit for data repr: U is a dict '{"list":i,
"table":(r, c)}' where i, r and c are ints (defaults
to i=15, r=10 and c=10), respectively)
--comment-filter C Apply filter C to comments, where C is Python `lambda`
predicate 'lambda i,c: ...' referring to i-th comment
--formula-filter F Apply filter F to formulae, where F is Python `lambda`
predicate 'lambda i,f: ...' referring to i-th formula
--xrefs-filter X Apply filter X to cross refs, where X is Python
`lambda` predicate 'lambda i,x: ...' referring to i-th
xref x
--link-filter L Apply filter L to links, where L is Python `lambda`
predicate 'lambda i,l: ...' referring to i-th link l
--cite-filter R Apply filter R to citation, where R is Python `lambda`
predicate 'lambda i,r: ...' referring to i-th citation
The following is the help description of the console facility for the grapher; moreover, a Jupyter notebook is also given (view).
$ python3.6 graphing.py -h
usage: graphing.py [-h] [--directed] [--cache-dir CACHE_DIR]
[--graphs-dir GRAPHS_DIR] [--dpi DPI] [--layout LAYOUT]
OEIS grapher.
positional arguments:
F Save image in file F.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--directed Draw directed edges
--cache-dir CACHE_DIR
Cache directory (defaults to ./fetched/)
--graphs-dir GRAPHS_DIR
Graphs directory (defaults to ./graphs/)
--dpi DPI Resolution in DPI (defaults to 600)
--layout LAYOUT Graph layout, choose from: {RANDOM, CIRCULAR, SHELL,